I'm too damn tasty, please help!

Post » Mon Mar 07, 2011 8:27 pm

I hate mosquitos. You get a lot in Finland during the summer months, and even with all the sprays, Moon Tiger coils, zappers and whatnot, there's always one that gets through anyway and buzzes in your ear all night - the only truly effective way I've found to live with them is just to learn to ignore them. And maybe hold an occasional Household Mosquito Slapping competition. :P

This is basically what I was coming here to say. :P Finnish mosquitos have a habit of getting in your house no matter what you do. I can hear that horrible, whiny buzzing in my ear whenever I think of mosquitos. Gah, I hate them!

The best way to get rid of them is to keep them out. Even cheap screens stapled to your windows will help a bit, and you can always hunt down any stragglers by hand before you go to sleep. Citronella works a bit, or so I've heard. At our summer cottage in the Northern Finnish woody swamps, we have a horrible mosquito problem every summer. One thing that helped was spraying all rims of the windows and doors with bug spray once a day. You could do that with a citronella extract or garlic or something, if all bug sprays irritate your skin and/or are bad for your bird.

Hunting mosquitos is very gratifying. :P Last summer, I kept count of all the mosquitos I killed and made it a competition with a few of my friends. 3 458! Needless to say, there weren't a lot of those little buggers around inside our homes.
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evelina c
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Post » Mon Mar 07, 2011 9:05 pm

Take lots of vitamin B complex pills. You'll start to smell slightly of vitamin B, and it's an amazingly good mosquito repellent. My mom figured it out when she was given some heavy vitamin B shots once, and then I tried getting it to work via pills, and it worked perfectly. They just hover over you and don't land. But if you put your nose up to your arm and sniff or something, you will notice the smell. It's not necessarily a bad smell though.
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Jade Barnes-Mackey
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Post » Tue Mar 08, 2011 1:34 am

Take lots of vitamin B complex pills. You'll start to smell slightly of vitamin B, and it's an amazingly good mosquito repellent. My mom figured it out when she was given some heavy vitamin B shots once, and then I tried getting it to work via pills, and it worked perfectly. They just hover over you and don't land. But if you put your nose up to your arm and sniff or something, you will notice the smell. It's not necessarily a bad smell though.

That is a remedy that some endorse, though scientific studies have failed to prove its effectivness. I suggest to stop drinking soda, sugary blood = mosquito heaven.
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Jake Easom
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Post » Mon Mar 07, 2011 8:54 pm

Here's some ideas, not sure how effective they will be for you:
1) Set up a blacklight out in your backyard. It attracts mosquitoes and moths, and then they go ZAP and die.
2) Buy a Mosquito Magnet. It is super effective (no joke).
3) mosquito netting/a mesh over your window, with small enough holes that a mosquito cannot fit through.

And generally make sure there are no gaps or openings around your window for an insect to crawl through. Make sure there's no standing water in your yard (old tires, stagnant puddles, buckets with water, etc) - lady mosquitoes love to lay their eggs there. Have more dragonflies!
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Marquis T
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Post » Tue Mar 08, 2011 11:45 am

Mosquito net? They are 10 dollars (Canadian) so if its that big of a problem for you I'm sure you can dish it out this once, especially since you can probably find one that's cheaper. They just hang over your bed and as long as you keep it closed 24/7 they cant get in. Not the best thing if you have women coming over I guess but.... :shrug:
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helen buchan
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Post » Mon Mar 07, 2011 11:43 pm

I can't afford this. I earn $60 a week. $40 goes on rent. They're big windows.

My fan broke :( Also, I get bitten still with the windows closed.

It sure is! :D
Is the vinegar idea just a guess...? Heh, wipe my face with vinegar...delish. I'd probably try eating garlic first. Organic repellant puts me off a little, I'm always worried I'm going to pay a ridiculous amount for something that doesn't work, but I'll probably have a look next time I'm near civilization. I read about DEET. Sounded...pretty lethal. To everything.

are you sure you not thinking of that stuff they used to spray for malaria that got banned. i know lots of people that have been using repellants with deet forever. ive tried looking for less aggressive repellants simply cause i HATE using repellant because of the smell and the weird oily feel you get on your skin. i was unsuccessful although there was an OFF that was a cream instead of a spray that came in an orange bottle and it was good enough for basic mosquitie repelling although its not very good during the evening or night when they come out in force.
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RAww DInsaww
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Post » Tue Mar 08, 2011 6:06 am

Are you in the NI? I can't say that I find the mosquitoes an issue in Christchurch.

Also, someone else from NZ! Yay!

Yeah, I am. However I'd like to point out that no-one else in the house gets bitten. They probably aren't an issue for anyone else but me, heh. Maybe they don't like all the shaking down that end of NZ.

I haven't been bitten all summer.
Try citronella candles, the smell isn't that bad and it does a good job.

I'd thought about it, but is it ok to use stuff like that around pets? I've thought about it, many a time. I also really like candles. And live in a house made of logs O_o

Take lots of vitamin B complex pills. You'll start to smell slightly of vitamin B, and it's an amazingly good mosquito repellent. My mom figured it out when she was given some heavy vitamin B shots once, and then I tried getting it to work via pills, and it worked perfectly. They just hover over you and don't land. But if you put your nose up to your arm and sniff or something, you will notice the smell. It's not necessarily a bad smell though.

I'll try this. I wonder if eating a lot of bananas would do the trick. I can make lots of banana smoothies, yum. Also, smelling funny isn't a problem, I'm recently single and basically a hermit. I can smell all I want! :D

This is basically what I was coming here to say. :P Finnish mosquitos have a habit of getting in your house no matter what you do. I can hear that horrible, whiny buzzing in my ear whenever I think of mosquitos. Gah, I hate them!

The best way to get rid of them is to keep them out. Even cheap screens stapled to your windows will help a bit, and you can always hunt down any stragglers by hand before you go to sleep. Citronella works a bit, or so I've heard. At our summer cottage in the Northern Finnish woody swamps, we have a horrible mosquito problem every summer. One thing that helped was spraying all rims of the windows and doors with bug spray once a day. You could do that with a citronella extract or garlic or something, if all bug sprays irritate your skin and/or are bad for your bird.

Hunting mosquitos is very gratifying. :P Last summer, I kept count of all the mosquitos I killed and made it a competition with a few of my friends. 3 458! Needless to say, there weren't a lot of those little buggers around inside our homes.

I'll have to try convince my parents about this. See, I'm living in my parent's home while I'm on holiday, and it's an extremely nice house. They waited 17 years to build it, it's their dream home, so I'd probably get in trouble for stapling screens on >_< I don't even have curtains, which probably doesn't help. And before you tell me to get curtains, it's cause I'm not allowed them. I've asked many a time for screens over my windows, but they're expensive and I can't afford to do it myself, and my parents have thus far refused to get any for my room. Before I got the bird, I did actually try spraying the windows with bug spray, and it didn't work. Sigh. It just gave me a headache and a fuzzy feeling throat.
I love killing mossies. I usually feel bad killing even flies, but I have no sympathy for mossies. My wall is covered in black smears I really need to clean of...I did have a spider, which did catch a fair few of the damn things, as he was right above my bed near the light, which they were attracted to. He disappeared though :( 3458 is an impressive number, did you actually have time to do anything else or were you just killing mosquitos??

I think I'll give the garlic a go. I just have to find some way to make it bearable...I'm not much of a sugary foods type person so I can't really cut down on that much more, and I guess I'll find out if citronella is ok for animals. I guess if it comes from a plant, it should be fine.

And to Defaulted, I'm not that much of a pansy about my eczema, I just don't exactly want to make it worse. Looking like a leper is bad enough. If it flares up badly, it tends to for some reason, break out on my face as well, and this is something I'd rather avoid. I am prone to a little vanity every now and again, so I don't want to aggravate my eczema.

Hm. This is a huge post.
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Nicole Kraus
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Post » Tue Mar 08, 2011 1:16 am

As far as making yourself less attractive to biting insects, and your results might vary....eat lots of garlic.

The lore with vampires may have some basis in truth. When I used to eat a LOT of garlic and lived someplace with lots of mosquito, they didn't seem to bother me as much as others. The garlic is in your blood, affects your BO. Scent is what insects are attracted to, so I think it may help.

But for sleeping...good insect netting on your windows and a mosquito net around your bed would probably do better.

yep right on the money, if you have good hygiene the bugs will bite. Don't take a shower for a couple weeks, problem solved, no jk :yucky:
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Dalton Greynolds
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Post » Mon Mar 07, 2011 9:12 pm

Simply eat a raw Garlic and I guarantee they wont bite. ;)
........Or you can eat something spicy hot for dinner.
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Post » Mon Mar 07, 2011 9:31 pm

To those that have recommended UV "Zappers":

A Notre Dame University study in South Bend Indiana showed that people with a zapper in their backyard got bit 10% more than people without one because zappers attracted mosquitoes but did not kill them. UV light also helps mosquitoes find water where they lay their eggs. When UV light is reflected off the surface of water it is polarized. Like polarized sunglasses that reduce glare and help you see objects more clearly, the mosquitoes follow the polarized light to the water to lay their eggs. Because they attract large bugs, they are purposefully designed to explode them so they don't accumulate and become a fire hazard. Exploding bug-fragments drift on the air. People and food nearby may be contaminated by insect-fragments from the zapper.

Not to mention the incredible devastation they wreak on the beneficial populations.

As far as repellents are concerned, I swear by Cutter Advanced with Picaridin, not DEET. It's oil free, doesn't harm clothing, and has an extremely low toxicity.
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Brian Newman
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Post » Mon Mar 07, 2011 9:34 pm

are you sure you not thinking of that stuff they used to spray for malaria that got banned. i know lots of people that have been using repellants with deet forever. ive tried looking for less aggressive repellants simply cause i HATE using repellant because of the smell and the weird oily feel you get on your skin. i was unsuccessful although there was an OFF that was a cream instead of a spray that came in an orange bottle and it was good enough for basic mosquitie repelling although its not very good during the evening or night when they come out in force.

You are thinking of DDT, not DEET.

To the OP
Just because a product comes from a plant doesn't mean it isn't toxic. Many plants contain chemicals deadly or irritating to mammals.
My mother swore by Avon's Skin So Soft as a bug repellant. There are many non-toxic mosquito repellants on the market.
As for sugary blood, I am a diabetic and I still don't get bitten.
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Post » Tue Mar 08, 2011 12:56 am

Just sleep with a more attractive target ;)

Kind of like bears, go with someone slower than you ;)
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Rozlyn Robinson
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Post » Tue Mar 08, 2011 2:58 am

If your home doesn't have screens on the windows and no air conditioning I don't think there's anything you can do other than finding some way to engineer mosquito netting over your bed that will work with your ceiling and survive your thrashing around.
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Isabel Ruiz
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Post » Tue Mar 08, 2011 7:20 am

To those that have recommended UV "Zappers":
Not to mention the incredible devastation they wreak on the beneficial populations.
As far as repellents are concerned, I swear by Cutter Advanced with Picaridin, not DEET. It's oil free, doesn't harm clothing, and has an extremely low toxicity.

Yeah, I'd avoid the zappers, we get some sort of very large, very native and possibly protected/endagered/something like that moth in these parts. Probably wouldn't be a good idea to start killing off the native moth population. I had read that the zappers weren't too effective on mossies. The size of the bugs we get here would also make it fairly noisy. Some of them are like small birds. I'll see if that Cutter Advanced stuff is sold here. Being NZ, it probably isn't.

Just sleep with a more attractive target ;)

Kind of like bears, go with someone slower than you ;)

HA! I like this. I could put an ad in the local paper- "single woman looking for bed partner. Must be extremely prone to mosquito bites."

If your home doesn't have screens on the windows and no air conditioning I don't think there's anything you can do other than finding some way to engineer mosquito netting over your bed that will work with your ceiling and survive your thrashing around.

I probably could do this. I just have an extreeeemely low, I think it's called a vaulted ceiling, angles upwards. I get bruises on my knees all the time from bashing them on the wooden beam. I could probably pick up some sort of material on clearance or something, only problem is I'd need several meters of it.

I'm going to eat a lot of garlic and bananas tonight. Though, now that I think of it, I didn't get bitten last night.....strange...
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Kari Depp
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Post » Tue Mar 08, 2011 9:21 am

Fire tends to work pretty well against mosquitoes.
Try some tiki torches, perhaps? I use them whenever I'm outside at night, and they seem to work pretty well. Just make sure the smoke gets spread around enough.
I suppose you could set one outside your window, sure the extra heat won't be any fun, but they seem pretty effective to me.


Also, if I recall they're pretty cheap.
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Post » Tue Mar 08, 2011 12:37 pm

...I do.

When I can. It's the middle of summer, I'm in the hottest room in the house, and prone to migraines. I have the window shut only when it's not going to kill me, and even then I get bitten.

I close my windows before it gets dark even if i feel like i'm going to die because of the heat and bugs never get in :D
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Post » Tue Mar 08, 2011 12:31 pm

There used to be this product from Avon I think, it was called "skin so soft" and it is just like a baby oil type product, but it is super effective against mosquitos. Again I'm not sure if it is still made or if you can get ahold of AVON products, but it's worth a shot, stuff is a skin product, no ill effects and the skeeters hate it. and it really doesn't smell bad at all
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Post » Tue Mar 08, 2011 12:35 pm

Use citronella essential oil, it's a repellent. I also know that mosquitoes don't like eucalyptus trees. You can also burn some of these mosquito coils. Generally, mosquitoes don't like smoke. Maybe incense could work.
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Post » Tue Mar 08, 2011 8:10 am

Mosquito net? They are 10 dollars (Canadian) so if its that big of a problem for you I'm sure you can dish it out this once, especially since you can probably find one that's cheaper. They just hang over your bed and as long as you keep it closed 24/7 they cant get in. Not the best thing if you have women coming over I guess but.... :shrug:

I probably could do this. I just have an extreeeemely low, I think it's called a vaulted ceiling, angles upwards. I get bruises on my knees all the time from bashing them on the wooden beam. I could probably pick up some sort of material on clearance or something, only problem is I'd need several meters of it.

I'm going to eat a lot of garlic and bananas tonight. Though, now that I think of it, I didn't get bitten last night.....strange...

Mosquito Bars
Those kind of nets work well, but must reach the floor or be tucked in. Also, they're generallyonly a "cot" wide, but a godsend. Cheap, and are easy to rig.
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