I have never done a melee character, and never used explosives very often so I decided to try both out. Now I need to figure out my stats. probably take out agility since VATS is less useful, and I only lose 8 AP points in doing so. Take out charisma as well to free up more points. probably look like this
S. 8
P. 6
E. 9
C. 1
I. 9
A. 1
L. 6
Then the first 2 levels I go for intense training and add 1 to luck, and 1 to perception. I would get the endurance bobblehead, strength bobblehead, intelligence bobblehead, ant might, lucky shades, lucky 8 ball, and shady hat to end up looking like this
S. 10
P. 8
E. 10
C. 1
I. 10
A. 1
L. 10
I would either go for the snide or tough route in the wasteland survival guide to either get +3% crit chance, or +6% DR. I am not sure which would be better. The best armor I would wear would be the chinese stealth suit so with the hat and shades I would be starting at 30 DR. Then you add Barkskin, and pitt fighter and you get 42 DR. Now I could either go with having a 48 DR, or +3% critical chance which can add up with weapon multipliers. So I could either be tougher, or kill stuff quicker.
Do any of you think this sounds like a good idea? Any suggestions or comments are welcome.