I thought this was a request for nautical mods, so I came prepared with tales of the wine dark seas and Sell'n'sail Galleon and Stormrider... Ultimate Galleon...
Oh well. Back to my cave.
On the other side of the coin Lady Rae did a http://planetelderscrolls.gamespy.com/View.php?view=Mods.Detail&id=3490 is good nvdes mod - while princess_stomper was more direct just telling the poor fools to http://planetelderscrolls.gamespy.com/View.php?view=Mods.Detail&id=7298
I love reading the comments for those mods
To the OP just search on PES for the opposite of cover yourself up, there have been some inventive modders who love having NPC's drop their robes for whoever asks - I don't know what their mothers think when they walk in on those gaming sessions