Interactive Roleplay- Mojave Wasteland

Post » Sat Mar 12, 2011 12:51 am

So, I noticed this type of RP, interactive, on the TES: Artwork and Fanfiction board, so I thought I would try something like that over here.
Anyways, the idea is that I give you board members a character to manipulate in basically any way you choose to, and after a few posts, I make the character do what you want him to do.

For example: Person 1 wants Character to climb a tree; I post about Character climbing a tree. Person 2 wants Character to jump off the tree and break his legs; Character jumps off and breaks his legs.

So, let us get started; I suppose that the character's name will be The Courier, and I also suppose that he will be starting out in Goodsprings, just after being shot in the face.

The Courier awoke, head throbbing in pain, as a fan sliced the air above him. Blinking his eyes, The Courier slowly sat up, to the sound of an elderly gentleman's voice softly crooning next to his ear. Feeling disturbed by the old guy's proximity to his half-naked form (and wondering where his clothes were), The Courier tried to remember how he had gotten into this situation.

The memory of being shot in the face came rushing back to The Courier. As he pondered the implications of his situation, the elderly gentleman started to tell The Courier that he was a doctor and had saved The Courier's life by way of bullet removal surgery (which, for some reason, required The Courier's clothes to come off...).

Reaching over, the elderly gentleman told The Courier that his name was Doc Mitchell, and that The Courier was in a town called Goodsprings. Helping The Courier up, the odd doctor asked The Courier to head over to a strength testing machine. Not wanting to anger this clearly dangerous individual, The Courier did as he was told. As he sauntered over, The Courier quickly noticed that the machine had seven slots, each with a different attribute.

As he grasped the joystick, The Courier wondered what the machine would say about each of his traits...

Name: The Courier

Equipment: Shirt and Boxers

Status: Healthy, violated

So, at this point in time, you, the forum-goer, should post what you think his stats should be, and what he should do next. Also: don't be too serious about it; I want this to be a fun/jokey sort of tale. Just make The Courier do whatever you want.
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Nathan Hunter
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Post » Sat Mar 12, 2011 4:35 am

OOC: Are the stats the same as in FO3? haven't played New Vegas yet.
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Josh Lozier
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Post » Sat Mar 12, 2011 2:28 am

Yeah. Or could just say the joystick broke in his hands.
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Mr. Ray
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Post » Sat Mar 12, 2011 8:30 am

As the courier then had a firm grip on the joystick, he realized it was just taped on and it broke off when he moved it, realizing this he had then went over and said to Doc Mitchell "In the cookie, there is a nut," after hearing this Doc Mitchell had then put a worn piece of paper on a table and scribbled "Intelligence: 10" in reply to the thought of nothingness...
This was just for fun..
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Post » Fri Mar 11, 2011 7:08 pm

Yeah. Or could just say the joystick broke in his hands.

The Courier reached over to the joystick of the machine, and started to fiddle about with it. As he manipulated his statistics, he wondered why he needed to show this old pervert what his stats actually were. As such, The Courier decided to change all of his stats to ten (he had played Fallout 3, after all), and then broke the joystick off of the machine as a result of his pure strength.

"Wow!" exclaimed the wizened old creep, "Its no wonder that the bullet didn't jump right back into the gun!"

Shaking his head in annoyance, The Courier knocked the old man down and started picking up all of the Doc's things, ranging from the popluar "Pre-War Book" to "pencil." As he searched the house, The Courier found a loaded sub machine gun, a wrist computer, and a barrel of drugs.

Leaving the elderly doctor on the floor, The Courier quickly re-dressed and left the house, but not before starting a fire with the Doc's drug lab. As he opened the door, The Courier was almost instantly blinded; upon his vision clearing up, he noticed a...

So, now some suggestions for what The Courier notices.
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Post » Fri Mar 11, 2011 5:04 pm

Grenade flying to him.. bwhaha.
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GabiiE Liiziiouz
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Post » Sat Mar 12, 2011 8:00 am

Saloon that was having a special: free drinks for anyone pointing a gun at the bartender
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Alisia Lisha
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Post » Sat Mar 12, 2011 4:02 am

Grenade flying to him.. bwhaha.

Blinking his eyes, The Courier saw a shiny object lazily sailing through the air towards him. Wondering what it could be, The Courier used his 10 Agility to snap the object out of the air. Using his 10 Perception and Intelligence, The Courier quickly realized that the object was, in fact, a grenade.

Thinking at the speed of light, The Courier used his bulging arm muscles to throw the grenade about 15 miles, or so it seemed, directly in front of him. The grenade just so happened to land at the feet of a Baby Deathclaw, who snapped up the object into its maw. Sadly, the grenade wasn't a dud, and it exploded inside of the Baby Deathclaw's intestines, releasing its fiery, shrapnel filled deathsplosion upon the hapless creature, who was instantly shredded apart.

Laughing at his power, The Courier pranced towards the local bar, hoping to pick up some chicks, score a few drinks, and then, when sufficiently inebriated and laid, find out where the sum-[censored] who took his delivery went.

As he entered the bar, The Courier glanced down and noticed a small dog barking at him. Using his 10 Perception, The Courier perceived that the dog's name was Cheyenne, just as its female master rounded the corner.

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