Night sweats: Sometimes you wake up and your bedroll is drenched.
Not an option. But feel free to write-in any votes for interesting ideas that may or may not have any practical use in Skyrim.
However, keep in mind that this poll is actually meant to provide useful feedback to Bethesda. I'd really like sleep to have a more important role than just positive effects like those in Oblivion and Fallout 3.
YES, this has been discussed a billion times before. NO, I don't care. NO, I don't care that Bethesda doesn't care. NO, I don't care that you don't care.

EDIT: Added "Don't care. / Stupid question." as an option for all questions so that poll may be submitted by those that only want to answer partially. Sorry, I'm new to this poll-creation stuff.
EDIT: Fixed some grammatical errors.