There is a map marker (currently set to visible and fast travel)
MV01 Bunker HomeBasics:This adds a small conventional bomb shelter to one of the destroyed houses in Greyditch. Originally designed for limited ocupancy by a small family before nuclear weapons were commonplace. The door and structure survived the blast that destroyed the home, but the door was jammed closed and has remained sealed ever since... (and before ya scream at the foods and stuffs... it's all lasted over 200years outside a sealed bunker too!)Features:* 31 Individual containers (all with seperate IDs, meaning each ammo box is not a copy but a seperate item in the geck)* Working lights and light switches (can turn the lamps on/off, seperate switches for parts of the bunker's overhead/wall lights)* Radio scripted to allow selection of channels (Agatha's [on quest completion], Enclave, GNR)* Bottom Naval Cot Scripted for well rested bonus, top one is normal (not all want the bonus)* Workbench* Infirmary, modified to include addiction removal* Terminal with journal entries and military manuals (can gain power armor training, and 1 skill perk) - Armory Tech: Repair +3 - Demolitions: Explosives +3 - Fire Team: Small Guns +3 - Heavy Weapons: Big Guns +3Note: I have started a numbering scheme with this mod and will be using it in the future as well to help with item ids and module ids.(MV##)Installation:it's a single esp file, copy from the zip file to the fallout data folder and activate it in the launcher.OR use Fallout Mod Manager and follow the instructions there to add it as a package.
Still working on the readme... but better one now