» Tue Mar 15, 2011 4:24 am
I would like to see the return of perks implemented exactly as they are in Fallout: New Vegas.
I would like to see the return of the 'hardcoe mode' system.
I would like to see a faction / morality system that works like that of New Vegas whereby you can be anywhere on the morality scale, but many factions respond to you based upon how you've interacted with them (unless prohibited by game lore).
I would like to see the return of V.A.T.S.: for those who are unaware, this system did indeed work for melee combat very well. It wasn't even awkward. It also managed to make hack n slash a fun, cinematic experience. You couldn't call it "Vaulttec Assisted Targeting System" of course, but I'm sure an appropriate name could be found that would fit with the Elder Scrolls universe. As an extension of this, I'd like to be able to injure my opponent on various parts of his or her person just as the player can do in Fallout (taking out an arm, for example).
I know that a lot of players take issue with the use of things from the Bethesda Fallout games within The Elder Scrolls but let's be honest: the gameplay benefits of these systems are astronomical. The 'game' part of Skyrim would benefit greatly from the inclusion of these innovations. I have played both series of games and just speaking for me, personally I much prefer the Fallout system of combat (yes, even V.A.T.S. melee) to the repeated clicking of Oblivion, which became extremely tedious after a while.
Just imagine magic in a V.A.T.S.. Think of how awesome that would be! Imagine archery or swordplay in V.A.T.S.!