Not wall walking spell, there should be levitation and climbing instead. In my thread on realistic eco systems I'd like certain creatures, predators like wolves and bears, behave realistically. For example, wolves shouldn't attack unless they outnumber you, bears should be less tolerant but significantly less if you threaten their cubs or corner them, or if they're hungry

I'd also like some more non-hostile non-carnivores to be really hard to catch like deer (who run away at the bare sight if you're not REALLY quiet), squirrels and voles (who run up trees/hide in holes) and birds. Thus, they could make hunting a challenging and rewarding feature (with taxidermy?).
Most of your points are good, but I don't see the reason for a poll, I just checked all but two, and that felt kind of tedious

EDIT: And I'd love some more dynamic combat and better animations so you really FEEL that huge giant charging at you, ground almost vibrating and all. You can get thrown, so you just see your helpless body (legs) flying through the air.