So I rent a house with two other guys who play shooters with me. I really want to get Brink but I have a concern that they will mess-up my character's story or gameplay. Little clarification: I usually play either an engineer or medic in squad based games (BC2), they refuse to play any shooters other than CoD (the other games are not pretty enough in their opinion). While online they do the CoD thing ie: run around dying or shooting (no thinking or objectives).Because of this I have set up each with their own accounts on my PS3 in hopes that Brink will allow them do run and gun while I can do objectives.
So my question is when Brink come out will I be able to have them play on their accounts, with their own characters, along with mine at the same time (Keeping their own personal equipment, earnings, and attachments not like the current Black Ops design)? Or will I have to just hope they hate the game and go back to CoD as soon as I get Brink?