Sequel and DLC Ideas

Post » Mon Mar 14, 2011 8:51 pm

On the ARK they're still on Earth, though. There possibly are ressources somewhere. In space it's highly unlikely.
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DAVId Bryant
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Post » Mon Mar 14, 2011 11:42 pm

On the ARK they're still on Earth, though. There possibly are ressources somewhere. In space it's highly unlikely.

come on am i the only person who can see this. space junk scavenging . with the world in turmoil. all of those satellites that the tv people have are just staying up their for no reason. why not resource them . :jammasterjay: :jammasterjay:
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Post » Mon Mar 14, 2011 10:53 pm

The one problem I have with the 'SpaceArk' idea, is I just can't see it fitting within the timeline... The flood came in around 2025, which means the space ark would have had to be ready by then (or nearly so, considering how long it would take any nation on the brink of social collapse to build such a thing, especially with infrastructures going down because of the flood). That said, while technologically speaking the Ark seems plausible (as they said, they've just used/extrapolated on existing technologies to make the Ark as feasible and realistic as possible), I'm not sure the same could be said of a SpaceArk.

How would they generate food?
How can they get resupplies when things get damaged? When they run out of air and/or water filters? Of fuel?
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Post » Mon Mar 14, 2011 5:52 pm

The possibility of sequels relies entirely on the end of Brink, which I think may have something to do with contacting the outside world as it has been somewhat hintingly mentioned by the devs in interviews. The response to this is likely what would make the sequel.

One possible response would be that other seasteads would receive the ark's message. Realistically if seasteads were made there would be more than one all you have to do is look into the Seasteading Institute and others to see all the ideas for seasteads. Frequently Seasteads are suggested to be used kinda like a new world in which new ideas or extreme ideologies could take place without dealing with larger governments. Which would lead to all kinds of really crazy groups that could have seasteads (likely smaller than the ark). So a somewhat more realistic possibility could be that more seasteads arrive at the ark. Some ideas I have for other seasteads are...

1. Gov't stead: Governments always have a plan to protect themselves even in the case of a flood. Thus this floating resort would house various heads of state that would likely have same connection to the Founders

2. Sustenance: A seastead much smaller than the ark but built on the same principles of sustainability. It has not been found by refugees and remains a fairly high quality of life. In this case the Ark travels to this island to steal their resources.
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Post » Mon Mar 14, 2011 4:28 pm

Just to explain why a Space-ARK doesn't work so well:

The BRINK story works like this: There is the ARK, which hosts 5000 inhabitants. Now the flood comes and people who can get into a boat quick enough ultimately find the ARK and want to live on it as well. This leads to the situation we're facing in the beginning of the campaign.

You can't just translate this into space; it would mean that people had to build a thing like the Space-ARK first and then other people had to have little space-ships to escape from Earth and find the ARK.
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Post » Mon Mar 14, 2011 6:10 pm

The way I would like Brink 2 to go would depend strongly on how Brink ends but since we have no idea how it ends ill make up the story as I think it would. It is possible that as the story goes we might find that there is more resources then the founders lead on and more and more both the resistance and the security will figure out that they have not been told the truth about what the arc can do. But how ever it gets there I believe that in the end the Arc will be united and there will be peace. But a good starting point for Brink 2 would be that the Arc will float towards land become stuck off a land mass. The people of Ark will be happy that there is now more space and natural resources on land yet they soon discover that there are people still living there, the high tide forced everyone who wanted to survive up towards high ground, the only land still above the water. And the Natives see the Arc as an invasion craft come to exterminate the native people and take what little they have, While the general consensus is that people of the Arc just want to have peace, small skirmishes between the Arks population and the people on land have erupted both sides into full on conflict. Now neither side can see an end to fighting with out wiping out the other. With both the Ark and the Natives on the brink of annihilation is where i would like Brink 2 to start.
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