What I already know:
[1] Animation 101 (got an incomplete bfa in digital arts and animation)
[2] Extract the _Skeleton.nif to animate with (only bones joints, no mesh)
[3] Animating in Blender (used to Maya, but getting the hang of it)
[4] Exporting .kf in Blender (Not sure if I do it right, but I get a .kf when I'm done)
Here's where I get all jazzed up...
I can get the animation into the GECK via Gameplay>Idle Anims
I can use FO3Edit to copy an idle animation into my esp, and replace it with my custom .kf
However, I have no clue what the proper file structure is, whether it should go in _male, Characters, _Male/IdleAnims, My own custom folder... Wherever I put it I can't preview the animation on any NPC in the GECK, leading me to believe that I've done something wrong, and it wont work when I call it up in a script.
I've also tried the FO3Edit "MMM" method of copying animations into an NPC, and I still don't see mine on the list.
Is that normal? Do custom animations just not show up in the list when you Right-Click>Preview an NPC?
I would greatly appreciate if some one could lay out a simple "How-To" for me to see if there's something I'm missing.
Thanks for reading.