I've got Oblivion on my PS3, but Morrowind was never a Playstation game. Mouses and keyboards are fine, for me, but I really feel comfortable just playing with a controller in my hand and my game on the TV. I've got the TV part solved and may I say that Morrowind looks pretty damn good for a nine year old game, even when blown up to the same size as Oblivion. Honestly, I was surprised by how clear it looked when it popped up, with vanilla graphics, on my 32" Sony Bravia. It's very sharp. Those jagged edges that plague so many games are surprisingly subtle in Morrowind. Daggerfall on the other hand... it wasn't pretty. I'm afraid to boot up Arena.

Anyway, after I thought I would share that with you all, I would also like to ask for help with something else. While I have the TV part figured out, I don't have the controller part figured out. Would it be possible to play Morrowind with a PS3 or PS2 controller? If so, how? Thanks.
P.S. Oh, and the forums look pretty good on my TV, too.