After borrowing the vanilla version off a mate and dabbling with ages ago, i recently purchased the GOTY version of this excellent game (for the xbox 360).
I have actually done more wandering around collecting books etc than actually playing properly, and so have found myself @ level 22 with high stats and a long way to go, which is all good.
However a friend of mine has warned me that if all my stats reach level 100 BEFORE i get to level 30 i will hit an unrecoverable bug in that as i wont be able to assign my skill points, i cant get passed the level up screen.
This sounds to me like something which may have been a bug but fixed (i am update on patches) and i cant find much about it when googling, so am hoping its a bit of a storm in a teacup, however
before i progress any further, can anyone please confirm that this is NOT going to be an issue?
many thanks