Have you ever said this in the "sec vs res" threads? Because that was really well put, and sometimes it feels like they've forgotten the things you've pointed out on those threads.
[EDIT: although, I've never heard of the last sentence of your post]
I tried to intervene several times when I first joined, but I quickly learned that people aren't concerned with actual facts in those threads, but rather their initial reactions and then defending those reactions.
You have people who are just looking to be an underdog, support that side, and assume that the founders are tyrants. Thus the security are nothing more than the gestapo.
You have people who are all about law and order, and cant stand the idea of someone showing up, being saved by you, and then stealing your stuff 40 years later. Thus they assume the resistance are only thieves.
You also have people who just like the look of one faction and attempt to support their opinion after the fact, although these people tend to be less fanatical.
The fact that both sides are gaining twisted information from their leaders guarantees that each side will be in the right for any one mission. The security are told that they are taking a biological weapon from container city; the resistance are told that they are having a vaccine stolen from them. This is intentional by the developers, as they want you to be able to support the side you are on. It also mirrors the fact that in a real war, both sides usually have merit.
The real question in how each individual person will feel about the factions after they have completed both campaigns. I suspect it wont be much different than the rec vs sec threads. People are going to take everything they know and unintentionally slant it to support their chosen faction. Both sides can reasonably assume the other is manipulating the information and theirs is telling the truth.