As is, I already waste too much time on playing, to start modding myself...

But I think Evergreen Mills has lots of potential!
I don't even really play at the moment, I manage to waste my time with other crap...

Well yeah, I didn't think of making quests that doesn't directly involve Raiders, but that would be interesting as well.
Supermutants, during transformation via FEV all take on the same appearence. A note in Vault 87 describes it as "becoming a clean slate". I hope that helps your confusion.
I'd also like to point out that this would require creating custom NPC's for each Raider gang. In FO3 all Raider and Supermutant NPC's have randomly determined preset appearences and traits, none of them are special. You would have to alter or create new Raider spawnlists for every Raider spawn in the Wasteland to make sure Raiders from different gangs don't spawn in the same base and start killing eachother.
Adjusting their allignment won't do much either, it's the aggresiveness level that determines whether or not NPC's want to kill.
I thought I'd seen something like that on the supermutants as well.
And you are right about the Raiders, new references would have to be made, but that wouldn't be all too difficult, just duplicate the current Raider NPCs into the number of Raider factions you'd want, change them around to be slightly different from each other, add them to new spawnlists, and exchange the existing spawnlists at some of the Raider spawn locations. Preferrably making it so that each gang seems to own a territory, the area depending on gang importance. Add some patrols that move around the wasteland, kill squads if you will, that enter nearby gangs territory and try to take over. As well as Raider traders that travel to Evergreen Mills to make deals.
It's timeconsuming, that much I know, but not really that difficult. The difficulty comes in if you want to have them joinable with quests and all that.
Clean slate - Tabla Rasa ... upon which something is written.
Supermutants are made from kidnapped humans who are made into a clean slate in order to ... make more supermutants?
Their existence then seems even more drab than all the other beings in the game. Have they no higher purpose? Why were they programed thus?
Actually I'm not sure they need much else than that. Why do molerats exist? What is there ulterior motive? They live to eat, sleep and reproduce. The supermutants eat flesh, they sleep(?) and they reproduce by supermutantification. They can be considered a beast, living for the sake of living.
They are confirmed as being different from the original mutants, who's ulterior motives was to take over the world, as they considered themselves superior beings. So why not simply being failed mutants that only knows how to make more of themselves and revel in killing and eating other living creatures.
Again, I know what you are getting at, it would be cool if they had a history behind them, someone pulling the strings, but I wouldn't say they really need it.
As a sidenote: How the heck has the mutants not been able to enter Little Lamplight? It's just friggin' silly that the kids would able to fight them off. No gorram way. So maybe they don't like to eat kids? Or kids make no good supermutants, just as with ghouls, who at least tell you that they usually are ignored. Drawing another piece of information from the older games, supermutantification doesn't turn out well if the target has been exposed to too much radiation, the supermutants in Fallout 3 doesn't seeem to make this distinction, which may be why they have no intellect to speak of. And also may be why they have lost their original goal, the stupid ones became to many, they didn't agree with their smarter brothers and drove them away, and soon they didn't know anything except "human turns mutant in this machine", "we like mutants", "let's put humans in here". Most of you know that there is a character in the game who hints at such behaviour.
Hmm, would anyone like to play as a supermutant? It would take twice as much work as the Raider idea, but it should be possible. If anyone wants to spice up the supermutants that is, add some kind of random encounter where you risk being captured, then you would have to try and escape, if you fail, they turn you into a supermutant

I actually thought it might be possible to keep playing after supermutantification in Fallout 1, you don't technically die from it. But alas, I was wrong.