So I'm watching TV, seeing SPIKE cover GTTV and games like BuletStorm and Battlefield 3 are getting coverage, along with others. While Brink seems to be trying to pull the whole "tell your buddy to tell his buddy!" Deal, like the game "MAG" did and never truly reached it's popularity, sadly. I really don't want Brink to be that game that "Could have been great" Seeing as lack of popularity means less players, less players means slower updates usually and lack of DLC packs. Am I saying this game needs to beat out Black Ops? No, right now Call of Duty is safely holding the top game spot as well is the franchise and will be a number of years before they fade away. But, I do think Brink can quietly steal the number two spot from battlefield if the proper ads are dropped. What they did in Boston was great, but it was for people in BOSTON and it's surrounding cities, while players like me in Arizona, California and pretty much the whole west coast and mid-west watch from a distance, ONLY because we are here. But I bet you there were millions of gamers in Boston who knew nothing about that event, but I'm sure if they do another event in a city like L.A., Seattle and such with buying some TV time, they will be forced to turn people away since they will be at max for that building. LONG IDEA SHORT, Brink needs some TV time so it can be a game that 7 months after release people go "I hope there is a Brink 2!!!"