I want Imperials to look like the Anglo's/Mediterranean's they are modeled after, Bretons shouldn't look just like them, they are TES's version of half elves, so they should have some mer qualities like in their concept art.
In Oblivion I liked how versatile the Redgaurd could be made to look.
Khajit and Argonians got pooped on in Oblivion. They all looked the same, Khajit looked like lions, when the lore allows for many different appearances in color and features. And Argonians... i'll just leave it there.
Now don't get me wrong I loved Oblivion and have played it since it came out, its just after playing Oblivion for so long you realize there isn't much that really defines these races looks wise. When the game first came out I didnt notice because I was in awe of the graphics vs. Morrowind.
What do you think, when it comes to races in Skyrim, not new races but the existing ten, and what you would like to see done with them, to make them more unique both looks wise like i mentioned, and playwise.