# 1. First off, I want to go ahead and get this out of the way. I personally don't care if TES V is online or single player. I felt so immersed in the game that it didn't really matter to me. However an online mode would be pretty sweet :tops:
# 2. I would like to see more items in TES V. Oblivion had a TON of items and outfits and weapons, don't get me wrong, but there were some important things missing at the same time. For one, capes were my main problem. In my eyes, heroes wear capes right? It just feels incomplete for my character to be capeless.
I had to resort to mods on the pc version. They were stiff unrealistic cloaks (but don't get me wrong. They still worked for pictures. I appreciate the creator's work ;D). There are many more items that should be added to. Be creative Bethesda, I know you can be

# 3. For whatever reason, every time fishing has been included in a video game, it hasn't failed to entertain me for quite some time. I think it would be a nice little addition for oblivion to have fishing as a neat past time as oppose to always fighting monsters and doing quests. If the game goes online, maybe it could have some other activities too to ensure the online community lasting a long time.
# 4. More mounts. I really enjoyed riding my horse through the world of Cyrodil with more speed, higher defense, and more realism. If there were more options of mounts in TES V it would be insanely great. The PC version of Oblivion has mammoths, wolves, and even a dragon to ride. And believe me, they are all awesome. So if some modders at their homes can create such a masterpiece, couldn't the official company itself do just as good or better?
# 5. My main problem with Oblivion was the LAG that occurred throughout exploration. the 360 version was the worst but they all had their issues. The constant "Loading Area" messages that appeared took away the realism of exploring this virtual world.
# 6. Everyone who played oblivion can recognize this flaw. There is an extreme lack of emotion in character's dialogue. Their faces remain stiff and there are only 8 or 9 voice actors (yes this includes men and women) for the hundreds that populate oblivion. It's kind of lame and unrealistic when the voice of the guy I just killed is screaming "I'M TELLING THE GUARDS" from somebody else's body. At least bring in 30 or 40 actors to create some diversity.
# 7. I think the world of Cyrodil should have more diversity. It's practically ALL woodland, mountain, and grassland with some rivers occasionally. I would like to see some deserts, or maybe more snowy areas or maybe a jungle even. The woods consume too much of the area.
# 8. The final thing TES V should have would be more weapons and animations. Swords, maces, axes, and all of that are pretty amazing but TES V is newer and better, so shouldn't it include more? It'd be nice to have flails (morning star), spears, and pole arms. It'd also be sweet to see some varied versions of already created weapons. I'm not one for guns in oblivion. It makes it feel less like an epic fantasy medieval style game. Crossbows sound okay but I still like the regular bow the best. Maybe some throwing knives or axes would be cool too. Now for the animations. I have quite a few things, and I think many of you will agree. I'd like dual wielding for combat and maybe some more combat animations. Maybe also I would like to see my feet. If you don't know what I mean, go look at Dark Messiah:Might and Magic and Left 4 dead. In those games, when you look down at the ground, you see your legs and feet, just like if you did it in real life. It makes the game feel more realistic and a better experience.
Well now that I've gotten all of those out of the way, feel free to add to this if you think I missed something. Bethesda, if you read this, I want to thank you for the amazing games you have already made and hope there are many more just as good or better.