I've created a topic, complaining about a bug on Fallout 3, which the image was freezing, the sound goes on, and then, all the colors look like 8 bits, and I needed to restart my pc.
Ok, I fixed that playing on Windowed Mode (I'm using Maximized Window), but now, there is a very annoying thing.
When I played in Fullscreen (With the bug listened above), the game runned on 60FPS under 1280x1024, 2xAA, 4xAF, HDR, High Default Setting on my NVIDIA GeForce 9600GT XFX GDDR3 512MB
Now that I need to use Windowed Mode to be able to play the game, the game is running with 25FPS, under 1280x960, 2xAA (Tried with AA OFF, didn't worked), 4xAF, HDR (Tried Bloom and Off, both didn't worked), High Default Settings.
It's very strange that when I play with Windowed Mode, in a smaller resolution, when the game should increase my FPS, it's making it lower. When i'm on Washington DC, the game runs at 20FPS '-'
Here it is a screenshot of my FOMM loading list:
My PC Specifications:
AMD Athlon 64 X2 Dual 5600+ 2.91Ghz
Windows XP SP3 32Bits