But unlike Battlefield, everything is the same. Battlefield has a single player campaign, and a separate MP component. If Battlefield's single player was just like the multiplayer just with bots, that is how Brink is going to be. I don't see how it could be too short, since the replayability is through the roof.
Ah, okay. So the single-player and multiplayer maps will be the same, just with bots. Oh, that sounds good, then. ^_^
And then you're probably going to be able to play each a few times with all the different classes, weapons and body types to play around with... and that's if you're like me, somebody who's going to stick to SP. The MP aspect of games tends to have a LOT more replayability because the exact same match with the exact same players twice in a row can throw totally opposite results at you... and by the sounds of the AI, SP in Brink will too.
So yeah, there seems to be a good solid chunk of playtime here to keep you busy.
That's what I am liking, too--the fact that there are different classes (that have different perks, too!) AND different body types with lots of customization (for both character and weapons) AND specific objectives for specific classes.
If the single-player and multiplayer campaign are the same thing (as some people are confirming), then this helps relieve my biggest worry.
The replayabiltiy of the campaign itself - as in: for offline-singleplayer-gamers - is pretty similar to Call of Duty, not Battlefield. After all, Battlefield is not known for it's singleplayer campaigns.
I loved the Call of Duty games' campaign mode because it feels like it has alot of gameplay content (with a story) for me. :wub: (I heard Battlefield campaign is kind of like a big tutorial for multiplayer or something like that....)