one think i always hated about oblivion was how boring it was trying to if have raising my athletics and arcobatics skills. i fell BGS oughta design a new minigame system to make raising these skills more fun 4 the player. one idea i had was potentally having a game similar to basketball made into the game specifically desgined to raise these two skills while keeping the players attention simultanesly. i no noreds wouldnt be good at basketball but i thing it could be a good n fun minigame to take the tediosity outa raising these skils.
nah I wouldn't count too much on mini-games when rising skills. although I'm sure this time, athletics will increase REALLY fast while sprinting. as for acrobatics though, I'd be surprised if they change it
I would be shocked if athletics isn't one of the skills that got cut. Like you said, it was just so boring that they probably rolled it into another skill.
To aid in increasing Athletics, every inn in Skyrim will include a Nordic Track (See what I did there?) that the player can rent for a gold coin per hour.