In Oblivion, a big problem was combat was that few monsters/creatures had forward attack animations. By forward attack animations, I mean ones that can be executed while chasing after the player, like the Mountain Lion, Clannfear, and bear. Most monsters didn't have these, most glaringly in the wolf, which is contradictory to its nature. Some monsters had such slow standing attack animations that the player could take down entire groups of them while
walking backwards and using a reasonably long weapon (like a longsword), taking little or no damage. In addition, attacking enemies slows or pushes them back, making it more difficult for the monster to hit the player. The real problem is not the speed at which the player can back-pedal, but the complete absence of the forward attack animation in many monsters.
My fear is that Bethesda takes the approach that slowing back-peddling will solve this, in lue of adding the animations. Whats really needed is the ability for monsters to effectively maintain an offensive and force the player.