The thing i don't understand about the weight/height thing..i was/am very compact and up until i stepped on the scale after they make you run around in your BVD's,they were ready to fail me and one of the dudes said your heavier than you look we didn't think you would pass.
If i had been 5 pounds lighter i would have failed,but i had been that much lighter not to long before that and was in the same physical condtion.
It makes no sense.Then again this was a while they still hand out bibles?
Does who still hand out Bibles? Never got handed one in the military! ('92-'95)
As to the height/weight: depending on what you're doing, I can see low weight translating to not enough energy or energy reserves. Also, be well-rounded and make them want you; if you're close to the limits, show that you're a keeper. I was nearly rejected for being too heavy for my height. I was in excelent shape, but not the best shape for the Army.
Also, where there's a will, there's a waiver