What I hope for in Skyrim

Post » Tue Mar 15, 2011 5:41 am

First post here...

I opened GI this month and was [censored] ecstatic. I've been waiting on the next TES for a while now.

When I saw dual wielding (which included spell and shield AND spell and weapon) I was sold. I seriously got this forum account because of that, so whoever came up with that deserves a raise. FINALLY. And the new spell effects! Flamethrower spray is great and so are the rune traps. I look forward to seeing the other innovations.

Here is my main rub at what i've heard so far: the level scaling. If its anything like oblivion I will be supremely depressed. In all honesty I wish it was like morrowind. Heres why:

Travelling in oblivion is a chore. The enemies might cycle sometimes and thats of passing interest especially at later levels, but mostly it always feels the same. the same level of difficulty. (Admittedly this may be because i only select combat effective skills. no mercantile or speechcraft for me. give me destruction, heavy armor and a long blade and shield and i'm good.) I remember travelling in morrowind as a terrifying adventure. Would I run into a winged twilight on the outskirts of a daedric ruin? Would I accidentally stumble upon a massive vampire lair at low level, get infected with vampirism and then sit there absolutely dumbfounded for a full two minutes because there was NOTHING in any of the quest info or copious background so far that mentioned them even in passing? (which actually happened to me and still sits as my favorite morrowind memory). Or would I stumble upon a daedric ruin with a quest hook in it and stumble upon an ancient treasure chamber FULL of loot and unique and epic rare items for my dragon's hoard back in the dormatory in the balmoran mages guild (which i picked to use the bunks to arrange the loot in piles by type. I literally collected one of every item and all the artifacts and arranged them out. Thats how much i loved tinkering around and finding all the random cool [censored] in morrowind.), not to mention money out the ass that i could use to create spells of my own. Like the straight damage health spell that i mixed with weakness to magica and poison in a wide area of effect with a decent duration. That was AWESOME.
I found that Oblivion led you around by the nose alot more, and the whole wandering around looking for [censored] to stir up thing did not go over well in Oblivion and since it was my favorite pasttime in morrowind I'd really like to see it come back. Travelling in some places should involve more than following a road. At times there should be groups of bandits so large that they would beat you easy, causing you to take a different route, or come up with some ridiculous strategy that involves a seriously irresponsible number of restore magicka and health potions, and using all those scrolls you've been toting around for a special occasion. Or maybe even talk to them now i hear? (people do that? lol) Sometimes you should be forced off the beaten path into the wilds and it should be god awful difficult not to nearly get your tail kicked up around your ears. So please, make sure the level scaling doesn't hinder gameplay... think of the poor children.
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