Much more realistic skills and learning them

Post » Tue Mar 15, 2011 1:18 am

I agree to some extent. If you are a novice lockpicker you shouldn't be able to pick very hard locks. Leave it up to magic if you can't open it or just increase your skill.
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Davorah Katz
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Post » Tue Mar 15, 2011 5:12 am

In oblivion, we all know there were Journeyman skills, apprentice, expert, master and what not. In Skyrim, I think it should be similiar to fallout 3. With each level you get points, points that you use to increase your marksman, blade or lockpick skill. Also, if you have a low lockpick skill, you can't try picking harder locks. And if you're more experienced in marksman you'd get a bonus to range, accuracy, speed and optionally damage. Oh, and here's one too, you know those NPCs in oblivion that you can learn some skills from? Instead of just increasing the skill, I think they should reward you (if you complete the training) with a perk (since I heard there's gonna be Fallout 3-like perks in the game), a perk that increases your range or speed (marksman), or making your blocking with a shield stronger (block), or increase your damage and what not.

I say NO!! As almost everybody else in this topic. This is what I love about TES, you get better at the things that you do and practice...and it's a lot more realistic than getting experience points to level up, and then when you level up you get skill points which you use to raise any skill you want.
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brian adkins
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Post » Mon Mar 14, 2011 2:42 pm

In oblivion, we all know there were Journeyman skills, apprentice, expert, master and what not. In Skyrim, I think it should be similiar to fallout 3. With each level you get points, points that you use to increase your marksman, blade or lockpick skill. Also, if you have a low lockpick skill, you can't try picking harder locks. And if you're more experienced in marksman you'd get a bonus to range, accuracy, speed and optionally damage. Oh, and here's one too, you know those NPCs in oblivion that you can learn some skills from? Instead of just increasing the skill, I think they should reward you (if you complete the training) with a perk (since I heard there's gonna be Fallout 3-like perks in the game), a perk that increases your range or speed (marksman), or making your blocking with a shield stronger (block), or increase your damage and what not.

Eh no thanks.
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Eire Charlotta
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Post » Tue Mar 15, 2011 5:13 am

How is this more realistic than learning by doing? Realistically you don't just decide to get better at something, and then decide how MUCH better you are at it, you get better by practicing.

I disagree with everything in your post.
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Leticia Hernandez
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Post » Tue Mar 15, 2011 4:27 am

The OP's idea is very interesting and personally I would not be opposed to FO3/FNV style skill leveling, but we already know from the GI article that skills will level from the activities you undertake, like in Oblivion except there will be no minor skills.

In Oblivion it was pretty easy to level up most of your skills to 100 even when your character was level one if you had the patience to cast restore over and over, for example (or put something heavy on the keyboard and walk away for a few hours).

I am very interested to see how the devs have tackled this problem with Skyrim. Maybe there will be a limit to how many levels you can increase skills before leveling up the PC, or perhaps there will be no need to sleep in order to level up?
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Kim Kay
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Post » Tue Mar 15, 2011 2:29 am

elder scrolls is going to stick with the leveling up skills makes you level up, not the other way around. The fallout way was stupid, you could use a rifle for 10 days getting headshots and honing your skills.... then when you level you put all your points into lazer weapons because they are going to be more powerfull soon, then when you find a lazer rifle the skill is already at 100 and you didn't "waste" points on guns. TERRIBLE way to do skill leveling in an rpg. Plus that's one of the biggest reasons why the game completely lost its replay value.

Fallout lost its replay value? In fallout there is just so many things to be done, so many quests to complete, main or sidequests, so many hours to spend into reaching level 20-30 with your character. I'm talking about hundreds of hours spend into that game and dozens of characters. Same goes for oblivion, but to be honest, if I had to choose TES or Fallout, I'd choose TES, because no matter what, I like the fantasy-style rpgs and medieval settings. And like I said, I thought that skyrim was going to have the same leveling system as oblivion ( 7 major skills, upgrade them ), so if you could ignore that and talk about other things that I have said.
I really hope perks are only found when leveling, otherwise they will get saturated and one character can have all of them. I understand people want a character with maxed everything and all perks and weapons, but I hope you'll need a mod for that. Oblivion was diverse enough so you could have multiple characters that had something you never did on your playthrough.

Like the guy before me said, if that's true, there will be 100 perks opposed to 50 levels, so no character can have them all without modding or cheating. And I don't really understand what you meant by 'only found when leveling', but you probably meant doing quests and getting perks for them. I wouldn't mind that, as long as they are new perks, and not already on the list that you can choose when you level up, so it makes them kind of 'exclusive'. If you want it, you have to complete the quest, no other way around.

Side note: Let's all stop talking about the leveling system and getting skill points and talk about other things that I've said, if there are any. Cheers. :biggrin:
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