Three choices for styles of play.
-- OB Style Quivers and Bows.esp adds a choice script to all of the Left Pauldrons. Putting it on the ground and then picking it up will activate the script. Choose Pauldron or Pauldron Quiver set.
If you want the bows all to your self and don't mind having message boxes this is the set for you.
-- OB_Style Auto Quivers And Bows.esp is completely automatic. Main script is on the stock left pauldron in the game. This means that anybody wearing a left pauldron in the game will have quivers regardless if they have a bow or not.
-- OB_Style Quivers And Bows 4$.esp has the pauldrons for sale(4$) in Caldera, Hodlismod: Armorer. They restock. Available no where else.
***************************************************************** The Elder Scrolls III MORROWIND: OB Style Quivers and Sheathing Bows for Morrowindaka: OBQSB*****************************************************************Index:1. Description2. Installation and Requirements3. Playing the Plugin4. Features 5. Version 6. Conflicts & Compatibility7. Thanks8. Notes9. Copyright***************************************************************** 1. PLUGIN DESCRIPTION***************************************************************** TITLE: OB Style Quivers and Bows VERSION: 1.1 BY: Sandman101 CONTACT: As Sandman101 at - to make the bows sheath similar to OB as much as the game mechanics and animations will allow and to add quivers for all of the armors.I did not make these models. If I have used something that I was not supposed to, please e-mail me and I will correct it and update the mod. ***************************************************************** 2. INSTALLING THE PLUGIN*****************************************************************To install the plugin, unzip the files into the Morrowind/Data Filesdirectory. If you drag and drop the Morrowind folder onto the C:Program Files/Bethesda Softworks folder, everything should install correctly. If you have Morrowind installed in a different location you should know enough to install this correctly.REQUIREMENTS: Morrowind, Bloodmoon and Tribunal.***************************************************************** 3. PLAYING THE PLUGIN*****************************************************************From the Morrowind Launcher, select Data Files and check the OB Style Quivers and Bows.esp, OB_Style Auto Quivers And Bows.esp or OB_Style Quivers And Bows 4$.esp DO NOT USE MORE THAN 1 OF THE ESP'S***************************************************************** 4. PLUGIN FEATURES*****************************************************************-- OB Style Quivers and Bows.esp adds a choice script to all of the stock Left Pauldrons. Putting it on the ground and then picking it up will activate the script. Choose Pauldron or Pauldron Quiver set.If you want the bows all to your self and don't mind having message boxes this is the set for you.-- OB_Style Auto Quivers And Bows.esp is completely automatic. Main script is on the stock left pauldron in the game. This means that anybody wearing a left pauldron in the game will have quivers regardless if they have a bow or not. This version has the highest visual effect on the game.-- OB_Style Quivers And Bows 4$.esp has the pauldrons for sale(4$) in Caldera, Hodlismod: Armorer. They restock. Available nowhere else. No stock items have been effected in game. Items are added by a chest in the cell assigned to Hodlismod. You can't get to it to steal them.DO NOT USE MORE THAN 1 OF THE ESP'S-- Quiver will automatically swap out the meshes for sheathing, drawing and equipping your bow.Nothing depends on the arrows being equipped. Not feasible to set it up that way with Morrowind game mechanics.-- Works will all stock Bows. Not with Cross Bows though. Animations are different.***************************************************************** 5. PLUGIN VERSION HISTORY*****************************************************************V 0.50 - Beta testing releaseV 0.60 - Re name all quiver pauldrons - Add icons for all quiver pauldronsV 0.70 - Set scripts for stock pauldrons - A few small texture fixesV 1.0 - First public releaseV 1.1 -Added optional esp's - Fixed pesky bug ***************************************************************** 6. CONFLICTS & COMPATIBILITY*****************************************************************In order to avoid conflicts with other mods the meshes, textures, and icons all start in the folder "_SP". Meshs, Textures and Icons may be in sub folders.There are a few of the quivers that don't use stock textures. Other than those, texture replacers will affect this, as intended. I would welcome anybody with the talent to be able to make those few rely on stock textures, so that texture replacers will work seamlessly. Otherwise a patch will have to be made for them. Said armors are Adamantium, Her Hand (Almalexia Indoril, both) Daedric, Royal Guard (Helseth), and Orcish.Will conflict with anything that overwrites the pauldrons. Will conflict with Weapon Sheaths Ultimate and Weapon sheaths 1, 2 and 3 by PeterNL. To make it compatible open the CS and delete the scripts from the marksman bows.Will conflict with armor replacers that use an esp. Working on patches for those.Semi compatible with armor texture replacers.Please report any errors, missing textures,icons ect...***************************************************************** 7. THANKS*****************************************************************Dongle for 1 quiver mesh & the arrow meshSnakebitten for 1 quiver meshFliggerty for writing the initial scriptslatendresse76 for UV mesh work on quiversTesters -Kiteflyer61Dragon_LanceTESRESPEC & TESFILES by Mental Elf - Thank you for these wonderful tools!NifScope and the NifTools teamEnchanted Editor The Secret Masters -Farren Hayden-Russel Maytham-ArgentGimp2 - Used to make iconsPekka - For the time spent helping me with The Gimp.DDS Converter 2.1 - Changed the textures and the icons to dds format.My wife for being so patient with me for all of the time I have spent working on this.I genuinely hope I haven't forgotten anybody.***************************************************************** 8. NOTES*****************************************************************First off - I did not make any of the meshes or textures for this project. They are either stock or by Dongle or snakebitten.I did do many changes to the meshes though. I also manipulated a few stock textures to work with a few quivers.All but a few use stock textures. I would welcome anybody with the talent to be able to make those few rely on stock textures, so that texture replacers will work seamlessly. Otherwise a patch will have to be made for them. Said armors are Adamantium, Her Hand (Almalexia Indoril, both) Daedric, Royal Guard (Helseth), and Orcish.Any armor replacer that uses a esp and does not overwrite existing meshes or textures will need a patch made with a esp.Please help me identify the most popular ones and I will make them as I can.Feel free to make your own patches as needed just link to the main file as "Dependant Upon". I would a appreciate a couresy e-mail about your release so i can keep up with what has been done.In OB Style Quivers and Bows.esp all left pauldrons have a script on them. When placed on the ground and then picked back up, a one time script will run that will give you the option of, stock pauldron or Pauldron/Quiver combo.If you choose the stock pauldron you will get a copy of the stock pauldron exact same stats, different CS ID. If you choose the pauldron/Quiver combo you will get a stock pauldron with the exact same stats and a quiver to match that pauldron.Bonemold pauldron = Bonemold Quiver, Netch Pauldron = Netch Quiver, Daedric Pauldron = Daedric QuiverThe arrows are made to match the pauldron. It was to script intensive and mesh intensive to make all of the arrows swap out for each one.Crossbows are not affected by this mod. They are pulled from the left hip and not the right shoulder, so they didn't look right using the same setup.At some future point this may be addressed but it's not guaranteed.This is set up as armor so you don't lose any armor rating. The quiver will not add or take away any armor rating as it is not defensive in nature.If you enchant a stock pauldron and then choose to use a pauldron/quiver set afterwards, you WILL LOSE YOUR ENCHANTMENT.If you enchant a stock pauldron, do so after setting it on the ground and choosing the stock pauldron option.If you enchant a Quiver/Pauldron set, it will not act like you think since the scripts are "swap scripts".If you have no bow equipped and enchant the Pauldron/Quiver set when you equip a bow, that pauldron set will NOT HAVE AN ENCHANTMENT.You could equip a bow and then enchant that set and then not lose you enchantment(when they swap), but if you change to a different bow, you WILL LOSE YOUR ENCHANTMENT. When using an enchanted pauldron (Snow Bear, Snow Wolf, Her Hand) every time you equip, draw and sheath your weapon, you will hear the sound that plays when you equip an enchanted item. Same one that plays when you use any magic item. It's part of the game mechanics and I see no way to stop it.Details - for those that are interestedIn the CS there is a different pauldron, set up for each pauldron/quiver with each bow. When you equip the bow on your character, the scripts will swap out the pauldron/quiver set for the one with the right bow.When you draw you bow it will swap it back to the pauldron/quiver set with no bow.Sheathing your bow will swap it back.If you do not have a bow equipped it will use the standard quiver/pauldron.Nothing at all relies on the arrows being equipped in you inventory. It is too mesh and script intensive to set that up at this time.I also have concerns about a fps hit with over 2000+ different meshes and over 500+ lenghty scripts to acomplish this.***************************************************************** 9. COPYRIGHT*****************************************************************These are not my models or textures. Refer to section 1 & 7. THANKS! By downloading and running this plugin, you acknowledge the following :- You have read and understood this readme file.- You acknowledge that the author of this plugin accepts no responsibility for damage to your game saves, operating system, computer, etc, when using this plugin.- DO NOT UPLOAD THIS MOD TO ANY OTHER SITE. This is a work in progress and I need to be able to update it until I proclaim it finished. If I happen to go AWOL, THEN, it may be uploaded to keep it from being lost but not changed. Enjoy--Sandman101
I did not make any of the mesh's or textures for this project. They are either stock or by Dongle or snakebitten.
I did do many changes to them though.
All but a few use stock textures. I would welcome anybody with the talent to be able to make those few rely on stock textures, so that texture replacers will work seamlessly. Otherwise a patch will have to be made for them. Said armors are Adamantium, Her Hand (Almalexia Indoril, both) Daedric, Royal Guard (Helseth), and Orcish.
I used stock Bethesda icons to make the quiver/pauldron icon. It is a combination of the pauldron and a arrow.
Any armor replacer that uses a esp or overwrites existing meshes or textures will need a patch made with a esp.
Please help me identify the most popular ones and I will make them as I can.
The arrows are made to match the pauldron. It was to script intensive and mesh intensive to make all of the arrows swap out for each one.
Crossbows are not affected by this. They are pulled from the left hip and not the right shoulder, so they didn't look right using the same setup.
This is set up as armor so you don't lose any armor rating. The quiver will not add or take away any armor rating as it is not defensive in nature.
If you enchant a stock pauldron and then choose to use a pauldron/quiver set afterwards, you WILL LOSE YOUR ENCHANTMENT.
If you enchant a stock pauldron, do so after setting it on the ground and choosing the stock pauldron option.
If you enchant a Quiver/Pauldron set, it will not act like you think since the scripts are "swap scripts".
If you have no bow equipped and enchant the Pauldron/Quiver set when you equip a bow, that pauldron set will NOT HAVE AN ENCHANTMENT.
You could equip a bow and then enchant that set and then not lose you enchantment(when they swap), but if you change to a different bow, you WILL LOSE YOUR ENCHANTMENT.
When using an enchanted pauldron (Snow Bear, Snow Wolf, Her Hand) every time you equip, draw and sheath your weapon, you will hear the sound that plays when you equip an enchanted item. Same one that plays when you use any magic item. It's part of the game mechanics and I see no way to stop it.
I see no way around this at this time. Open to suggestions.
Details - for those that are interested
The first set you get, the pauldron/Quiver set, with no bow equipped, has the main script on it.
In the CS there is a different pauldron, set up for each pauldron/quiver with each bow.
When you equip the bow on your character, it will swap out the pauldron/quiver set for the one with the right bow.
When you draw you bow it will swap it back to the pauldron/quiver set with no bow.
Sheathing your bow will swap it back.
If you do not have a bow equipped it will use the standard quiver/pauldron.
Nothing at all relies on the arrows being equipped in you inventory. It is too mesh and script intensive to set that up at this time.
I also have concerns about a fps hit with over 2000+ different meshes and over 500+ lengthy scripts to accomplish this.
One thing I have noticed is that although the quivers show up on the npc's in game. The bows don't sheath on them.
Constructive feedback appreciated and welcomed.