What do you mean you'll get annoyed? I honestly don't see why anyone would, because it's not like people will be able to go around and actively grief you.
I also hope for this. It's not fun if you're being dominated the whole match by a clan, and vise versa
What he said, basicly. And we all know this will eventually happen, because it's the internet.
From what I've seen so far the only reason anyone would have to get annoyed is if they picked a wrong weapon for their job/class or were constantly getting killed, both of which come down to skill vs. skill.
If you're sort of forced into a certain weapon-type that's already a bad thing, I believe.
After all, there was a reason why 99% of the competitive MW2 players would sport the same perk-setup of Sleight of Hand Pro, Stopping Power Pro and Ninja Pro. Usually paired with either a UMP45, Intervention or ACR.