This is one of those things I never noticed in games (FPS's) but other people do, lol!

I guess I'm too busy surviving (since I'm not a very hardcoe player and my accuracy is not that great since I tend to do a lot of panicking and running around, lol :sweat: ) to notice I have feet when I look down!
Mirror's Edge is the only game I actually noticed the legs and---I know that it may not be a popular opinion---but the legs sometimes kind of bother me whenever I see them, hehe. I think maybe it's because I'm one of those people who don't like
anything getting in my view. If it's not a gun (or my hands) or a heath bar, it should not be in my sight. Maybe I get distracted by legs or something, lol.
Did Halo: Reach and Black Ops have legs, by the way? I never noticed because I never looked down like, ever, lol! I don't think Borderlands, Metroid Prime 3, and Elder Scrolls games have them, either, I think...
I don't mind seeing hands whenever I climb up (because it shows I am climbing up and it's quick), but legs for some reason bother me for some reason, especially since I'm one of those people whose character are always jumping and running around a lot. (I make my family dizzy whenever I play anything, lol, because my characters are always bouncing off the wall and I'm moving the camera at the same time). :laugh: I don't know. I guess it's the perspective of the legs or something or the fact I cannot get distracted by anything that's not used as a weapon or something, lol....
And, I have a feeling, Brink's going to be one of those games where it's going to get crowded (with icons and other characters and guns) and you cannot be too distracted, lol.
EDIT: Oh, and welcome to the forums, gostlyfantom!