1. Denock Arrow. Oblivion modders made it possible, it makes game more real, easier and more enjoyable.
2. Better UI. Please, developers, take note from Darn's Darnified UI.
3. Keychain. Ability to shorten the keys list one gets in game but still be abla to access at will.
4. Better (faster) barter.
5. Horseback fight and spellcasting. Will save Skycaptain mountain of work, this way he will have only to improve it instead of creating it from scratch.
6. COBL equivalent. Don't be shy with ingredients, books etc. Obviously the game can handle much more than vanilla Oblivion.
7. Better (more diverse) weather. Example: Weather All Natural and the water enhancing mods.
8. Better magick. Look closer into LAME and Supreme Magicka!
9. Better looking NPCs. The vanilla ones look like zombies compared to the improved ones.
10. Ability to wear underwear and clothes under the armor. Firstly - more immersive, secondly - more slots.
11. Harvest Flora effect. Like in the brilliant mod.
12. Breathing mtion of my character and bow sway when shooting with bow. Like in Skycaptain's mod.
Well, I thik this is for now, the rest will be fixed by the modders I hope.
Can someone add to the wishlist?
Will a developer look at it?
I hope so.
Anyway, I will visit this Skyrim place the first day the game is for sale