Mods for enemy AI improvements?

Post » Mon Mar 14, 2011 1:56 pm

That's what I'm looking for.

For example, I really like (among others) from Duke Patrick, for Oblivion.

Any mods along similar lines, so - for instance - if I (when stealthed) one-shot a raider in the head, those right next to him or her might actually, I don't know, do something? Interested in *any* improvements in AI, according to simple logic and common sense.

Or maybe I've borked the AI somehow. It's possible. Been so long since I played vanilla...

edit: Couldn't see a 'mod psychics' thread for several pages, so this seemed the right way to ask. Please move/delete if it isn't, of course.
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Erich Lendermon
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Post » Tue Mar 15, 2011 12:28 am

You'll definitely want to try out

I haven't used it yet, but it does pretty much exactly what you want, in that raiders will respond to their buddy's head which just exploded from a sniper round :D

Another one you may like, and I don't know if it would mesh well with the above, would be

This mod, or mods I should say, combine multiple tweaks to suit the player. Everything from scarcity of items to enhanced tactical survival skills and AI, this mods covers quite a bit.

EDIT: And for future reference, we don't have psychics in Fallout. We have :P
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Post » Mon Mar 14, 2011 10:52 pm

The SmarterAI.esp of Arwen's Realism Tweaks can be used as a stand alone mod. It really makes quite a difference to the AI detection settings and might be a good choice if you are looking for more challenge, and more realistic AI.
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Post » Mon Mar 14, 2011 11:11 pm

Thanks for letting me know about RKR! :) Might be just the thing. I'll try it, and see how it goes.

I'm currently using FWE (along with tons of other mods), which - I believe - includes Arwen's AI improvements. And overall I think that's a good thing; don't get me wrong there.* However, I can still, from a distance and when stealthed, one-shot people (in the head, generally speaking,) and those around them will move around a bit more at times, act a bit more cautious for a while perhaps, have a half-hearted look around... but that's about it.

What I would like to see is what is likely to happen in reality if someone suddenly keels over, their head somewhat splattered, with others nearby. IOW, people freaking out ("What the ____ ?!"), doing whatever they can to find out what the heck is going on and where the bullet(s) might've come from, seeking cover, etc. Those who happen to be armed, well, they might do mostly the same, but also be looking for the next convenient opportunity to fire back, of course. And I don't see why they would forget - not for hours, at least. I mean, would you?

For that matter, more or less the same (if a little less dramatic) should probably happen when folks come across the fresh corpse of one of their own.

Maybe, I guess, stealth is just too easy. The character I'm playing at the moment isn't even remotely specialised in that, and sometimes does "sniping" in full daylight with no cover, without even so much as a scope. All too successfully, at that. Haven't died once so far, and she's heading for level 6 soon.

* Thnking of trying ART in place of FWE some time, in fact. I still find a lot of things far too easy. ART + RKR, if that one works out.
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Post » Mon Mar 14, 2011 2:28 pm

Responsive Kill Reactions does exactly what you're asking for. We're working on some additional improvements as well, so the mod will continue to be updated. Right now, the basic functionality is all in place and working.
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