Welcome to Grayditch!

Post » Mon Mar 14, 2011 3:28 pm

Joe Rennie. House 5. Mid-Afternoon.

After a brief round of backslapping around the fresh crops, Joe made his excuses and left the group. He needed to get somewhere private. The letter was from Moriarty and he couldn't take any chances. If anyone saw it the whole scheme could be sunk.

He retreated into the house beside the security shack and firmly closed the door behind him. Harold had returned to his role as Joe's shadow for a short while outside, following him as he walked. Joe briefly considered attempting to bar the door with a chair. But he doubted that it would keep Harold out for long, so he decided against it.

Joe carefully placed the two leather bundles on the beaten up, old table and slipped the letter back out of his jacket pocket. He looked at the yellowed sheet of folded paper for a moment before opening it up and holding the paper up to the light from the window.
Joe you thieving bastard.

I hope Grayditch finds you healthy and happy. I also hope that the town shows potential for future endevors.

And I also hope you are keeping your filthy hands off of my daughter. You don't want to deal with Harold do you?

Once you have gotten everyone set up. You're going to have to start collecting rent from the new townsfolk.
I'll be having you charge fifteen caps a week in rent, plus fifteen percent of any takings from traders who set up in town.
It'll probably go up, but it's a more than fair price for now. I would give this job to my daughter, but even though she's
far more trustworthy than you she's also as thick as pig [censored].

I'm going to throw you a bone here Joe. One of those packages I'm sending you contains your "kit" and in the second is,
what I'll call a set-up fund. You can spend it as you need, but if you blow it on yourself or try to run with it. You'll have to deal
with Harold.

Lastly the trader who delivered this letter to you owes me money. A lot of money. You will find me eight hundred caps before he
leaves town. Don't let me down Joe. You wouldn't want to let me down again now would you?


Joe folded the paper up again and sighed deeply as he pushed it back into his pocket.

Well where do I start with this? Joe thought. Eight hundred caps. How the [censored] do I get that? Lets see what he's sent me then. Joe slid the first leather package across the table and began to untie the string that held it closed.

When he had untied it Joe unfurled the leather roll and layed it out before him on the table.

This is good Joe thought, this is very good.

It was all there. His lockpicks, his probes. All the tools of Joe's real trade. He could work with this. He sorted through the kit, plucking out a few items and placing them in various pockets, already coming up with a plan for the trader.

"Well, with luck that takes care of Moriarty's money then." Joe whispered to himself, reaching for the second package. "Lets see about this start up fund." As Joe unwrapped the second parcell, it fell open and several smaller leather pouches spilled out on the floor, jangling as they hit the floor.

Joe snatched one up and pulled the leather thong binding it closed. It was full of caps. Joe weighed the bag with his hand, estimating there was around a hundred caps in the bag. He glanced around and spotted nine more pouches. A thousand caps. He could actually be able to pull this off. Half of the money for security had been covered for the week, if he could manage to rustle up the other half there was a chance the town could actually work.

Of course if the town made it, Joe could stay on and skim enough off the top to build up a nice little escape fund. Joe could feel several ideas forming. But he'd need time to think, figure out what angle he was going to try. He got up and walked upstairs. Joe lay down on the bed Celeste had used the night before and closed his eyes, thinking, planning.

You know, beyond the mildew, dust and other [censored] thats in this mattress, I can smell her too. Hmmm, not bad. I wonder what it'd be like..... Not going to try though. Not with Harold watching my every move. [censored] that.

Early Evening.

Joe busied himself around town once he had left his house and headed for the diner as the sun was beginning to descend towards the horizon.

I'll grab a bit to eat before I hit the caravn. I need the light to be a little worse befor I do anything. Can't have him identifying me after all.

Joe Strolled into the diner, nodding greetings to several people as he went. Smiling his friendly smile as he greeted James, Pawnee and Drifter. He made his way to a seat and caught Celeste's eye.

"Celeste my dear." He called jovially across the room to her. "It seems like ages since I was here last. I don't suppose you have gotten the coffee situation sorted yet have you?"
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