[Relz] Cyber-Enhancements

Post » Tue Mar 15, 2011 1:50 am

Another one of my mods i never released here. Please leave feedback if you have any.



Cybernetic Enhancements, which can be fitted onto either Brain, Eye, Torso, Skin, Hands, Legs, Psionic or Limbs for various effects.


Cybernetic Enhancements, which can be fitted onto either Brain, Eye, Torso, Skin, Hands, Legs, Psionic or Limbs for various effects.
A Booth at the Outcast Base is used to install various implants. These have effects which hopefully will be connected to the body part
they are installed on. Brain upgrade lvl 1 gives 15% more experience or Limb upgrade lvl 1 give 30 lbs extra carry capacity.
A note next to Dr. Zimmer will give rough locations of implants. A maximum of 12 implants may be installed at once. Higher levels of
implant can be achieve by installing more of the same type. Psi-Frenzy will earn you 20 negative karma points and damage your own
head, an attempt at balancing this a bit. The install booth is just outside Fort Independance.

A version for my http://www.fallout3nexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=5111 mod has been added to move the booth, teleport receiver and options console there.

Skill requirements have been added now ranging from none to extreme, there is 5 settings:

Coward - No requirements
Easy - 25, 40 and 55
Average - 30, 50 and 70
Hard - 40, 60 and 80
Extreme - 60, 80 and 100

These are the Science skills required to install lvl 1, 2 and 3 of an enhancement. The options console can be found right next to the install booth.


Lvl 1: Xp up 15%
Lvl 2: Book Skill Points +1
Lvl 3: Ignore Computer Lock-Out


Lvl 1: Gun spread down 20%
Lvl 2: Weapon range up by 500
Lvl 3: Small chance to notice more ammo on dead (Ammo list unfinished, but it is level dependant for what you find.)


Lvl 1: Damage Resistance up 10
Lvl 2: Rad Resist up 10
Lvl 3: Poison Resist up 10


Lvl 1: Carry Cap up 30 lbs
Lvl 2: Carry Cap up 60 lbs, 40lbs if you have follower.
Lvl 2: 60% Limb Damage
Lvl 3: Carry Cap up 100 lbs, 50 lbs when you have a follower.
Lvl 3: Increased critical hit chance 10%

Note: Dogmeat probably isn't counted as a follower. He's in his own class i think.


Lvl 1: AP +15
Lvl 2: Stealth Field +15 when sneaking
Lvl 3: Solar Regen (Dunno if this will have problems with Solar Powered)


Lvl 1: Melee damage up 10
Lvl 2: Unarmed damage up 10
Lvl 3: Teleporter pads are installed to your palms, you can now teleport items from someone's inventory to a container next to the implant installation booth. Provided you're sneaking and not in combat. (Activate the person while sneaking and not in combat to access telepads)


Lvl 1: Running Speed up 45%
Lvl 2: Mine explosion chance down to 50%
Lvl 3: Running doesn't affect sneaking


Lvl 1: Enemy Critical Chance down 40%
Lvl 2: Buy Price down 15%
Lvl 3: Psi-Frenzy people/creatures into a psychic induced rage.


Lvl 1: Radiation Filter
Lvl 2: Health Increase
Lvl 3: Damage to enemies incresed


1. Extract the Cyber-Enhancements.esp to C:\(Install Directory)\Data
2. Start Fallout 3, select Data Files, Check "Cyber-Enhancements" file.


Delete the "Cyber-Enhancements.esp" files from C:\(Install Directory)\Data\

Known Issues or Bugs

Speed increase doesn't take effect until player has gone into/out of sneak or holstered/brought out weapon. This is a Fallout 3 thing, speed is evaluated after one of those events, so speed increase isn't noticed until then. Also the teleportor pads from lvl 3 hand works inside simulations like Tranquility Lane or Anchorage DLC meaning you can get multiple sets of T51-B Winterised Armour, Winterised Combat Armour e.t.c. Upto yourself if this is a bug.


You can find me on Fallout3Nexus as 'Stewb', Bethesda Forums as Acwaz-Mare or alternatively you can email at: stew1409@yahoo.co.uk


Thanks to LHammonds for making this Readme Generator.

Tools Used

Readme Generator - http://lhammonds.game-host.org/obmm/tools_readme_generator1.asp


You can do whatever you want with this mod, just remember to credit me if you use it.
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Post » Mon Mar 14, 2011 10:25 pm

Very nice job, I'll definitely be using this. How hard is it to find the implants? Some upgrades seem a bit OP if they're in the open, but you've probably already thought about that.
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Sista Sila
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Post » Mon Mar 14, 2011 11:08 pm

Very nice job, I'll definitely be using this. How hard is it to find the implants? Some upgrades seem a bit OP if they're in the open, but you've probably already thought about that.

Can't give you the best answer myself, since i know where most of them are by putting them there myself i automatically look there for them. A few are behind locked doors like in Fort Constantine, so while they are visible they are hard to get to. There is a list in game with vague locations for them, but it mostly depends on what you look for when you enter a building and what buildings you enter to look for them. Have a quick look around the locations on the list, the table next to Zimmer in RC and see for yourself, any feedback on balancing will be welcome.
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Kayleigh Williams
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Post » Mon Mar 14, 2011 7:08 pm

Oh I like the loom of this :)
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^~LIL B0NE5~^
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Post » Tue Mar 15, 2011 2:33 am

Okay, that's really cool. I love the whole Deus Ex vibe I'm getting here. I'm gonna go try this mod out.
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Red Bevinz
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Post » Mon Mar 14, 2011 7:52 pm

maybe you should switch the order for torso upgrades since i dont know about everybody else but to me damage resist seems a lot better then poison resist so it should be a little harder to get.
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Cesar Gomez
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Post » Mon Mar 14, 2011 3:15 pm

maybe you should switch the order for torso upgrades since i dont know about everybody else but to me damage resist seems a lot better then poison resist so it should be a little harder to get.

Really? I'm a sneaky type of player i rarely get seen to be fired at so i don't need DR, it's the most useless to me by far. Radiation Resist is probably way more useful to me than DR or PR. It's easy enough to switch it around a little if need be though.
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Umpyre Records
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Post » Mon Mar 14, 2011 8:29 pm

I think there should be minimum Medical and Science skill levels for each enhancement - beginning at 35 and going up significantly from there.

This would help bring balance because it would mean most players would either have to 1) take the 2 skills as prime ones or 2) be higher level to get the enhancements

If (1) then players wouldn't be some combat-maxed psycho - in which case the enhancements seem way overpowered to me.

I have a current character with small guns/lockpick/repair and these enhancements would turn him into a complete killer by level 10. Whereas with Science and Medical as his skills (both fairly unhelpful in most of the game) they become needed skills with great rewards.

My .02.

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Marnesia Steele
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Post » Mon Mar 14, 2011 6:24 pm

I think there should be minimum Medical and Science skill levels for each enhancement - beginning at 35 and going up significantly from there.

This would help bring balance because it would mean most players would either have to 1) take the 2 skills as prime ones or 2) be higher level to get the enhancements

If (1) then players wouldn't be some combat-maxed psycho - in which case the enhancements seem way overpowered to me.

I have a current character with small guns/lockpick/repair and these enhancements would turn him into a complete killer by level 10. Whereas with Science and Medical as his skills (both fairly unhelpful in most of the game) they become needed skills with great rewards.

My .02.


Hmm.. Science and medicine as prerequisites could be a good balancer. How about 25, 40 and 60 to get each level of implant? Lv 1 = 25 , Lv2 = 40 and Lv3 = 60. That way you need a lot of skill for the useful stuff and not much for the less powerful stuff.

Edit: As a point of note - I made this mod and released it on FO3Nexus about a year ago maybe and have only just released it on the Bethesda forums, i have since made other mods on a similar line but not released here which vastly improved ways of handling balancing. I didn't want to change the style of the mod though but still wanted to have it balanced out, having a skills requirement could be the best option as there's not much scripting for me to write and everything stays pretty much the same. Look for an update by the weekend.
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Jodie Bardgett
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Post » Mon Mar 14, 2011 4:48 pm

Oh god, it's like Deus Ex, my favorite game ever. Thanks for the mod!
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Post » Mon Mar 14, 2011 3:11 pm

I like the idea of adding skill checks, but maybe a bit higher: 35, 55, 75 - b/c I think the implants are significant.

I love the mod and already have it in-game but would love a balanced one better since the current one feels a bit like cheating to be honest.... at least to me :) I also have one question since I have yet to get to Zimmer in-game and read the note - are the locations hard to reach and well guarded or locked the higher the implants get? Hope so :)

But I LOVE the mod itself. And it makes playing a cyborg/tech obsessed character worthwhile instead of just up in my head. kudos! (which will be registered at Nexus as well on the improved version :) )

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Chloe Lou
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Post » Mon Mar 14, 2011 9:20 pm

I like the idea of adding skill checks, but maybe a bit higher: 35, 55, 75 - b/c I think the implants are significant.

I love the mod and already have it in-game but would love a balanced one better since the current one feels a bit like cheating to be honest.... at least to me :) I also have one question since I have yet to get to Zimmer in-game and read the note - are the locations hard to reach and well guarded or locked the higher the implants get? Hope so :)

But I LOVE the mod itself. And it makes playing a cyborg/tech obsessed character worthwhile instead of just up in my head. kudos! (which will be registered at Nexus as well on the improved version :) )


The locations were really random, and since you only need 3 of the same implant to get level 3 the difficulty of the location is kinda hard to answer. It isn't one implant gives you level 3 abilities and one give you Level 1 abilities. It's more that gathering and installing all 3 in any order gives you the abilities in order. Some are behind locked doors or seep in dungeons and some are just lying around in places that normally wouldn't be visited. There's a free implant next to the note with locations which is really easy and just to let you see what it looks like.

As for the skills i'll just be using Science not medicine (The booth does all the install work so self-surgery wouldn't be required) and 30, 50 and 70 for skill levels seem o.k to me. Low 30 for the first ones as the first level abilities shouldn't be too over-powering.

This http://www.fallout3nexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=8154 is the one with the better balance system i came up with. The description needs to be updated to show some stuff on it, but if you want to see how i balanced it out more, then here it is. I'll be releasing it here once i got the cyber-enhancements sorted. The basics of the balancing is the items appear on levelled lists attached to perks with add levelled list on death functions. There is only a 7% chance you get one of them and it only at level 5 do they start appearing on enemies upto level 20 for the most powerful. Since there potential for unlimited amounts i set-up a vendor who only buys your excess for a fixed amount. This is the only place to sell them too. Lemme know what you think of the balancing on this when i release it here .

@Gyshall & ineedbettername: Thanks but what's Deus Ex? Sorry i guessing it's a game or movie but i never played/watched it.
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Kate Schofield
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Post » Mon Mar 14, 2011 6:04 pm

Shamelessly bumping this thread for the new update here....

Added Skill requirements in 5 flavours. Also added a .esp for compatibility with my underhome mod, remove all enhancements before installing this if you had the previous version. Point of note, use 1 .esp only......
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Post » Tue Mar 15, 2011 5:53 am


I love that you added a scaling system for how hard - very thoughtful!

Going now to re-install this mod - I see this becoming one of my must have mods!


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Lawrence Armijo
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Post » Mon Mar 14, 2011 10:55 pm

Okay - I'm a bit confused - in the folder there is just the .esp.

Where/How do we pick the Science levels? No in-game menu came up - do I need to go to Fort Independence?

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Nancy RIP
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Post » Mon Mar 14, 2011 9:39 pm

Okay - I'm a bit confused - in the folder there is just the .esp.

Where/How do we pick the Science levels? No in-game menu came up - do I need to go to Fort Independence?


There's a control console at Fort Independance/Underhome depending on which file you picked. It should be very close to the booth, on the left for Underhome and right for Fort Independance. Activate it and press the option you want. I'll update the description to make this a bit more clear. It is called Cyber Options or something like that, i just quickly made it up.

Edit: What did you think of how i handled balance in the materia mod if you had a look?
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