Although most of us have seen some screenshots of the new 3D work for Skyrim I have some questions:
1) In an environment where dynamic lighting is in effect how common is it to still use vertex shading? Is it completely obseleted or is it still complementary?
I'm sure they will still be supported as there will still be situations where vert colors would help accentuate the models.
2) Aside from DDS is there any other texture file format common for normal maps in games? What might they use?
A few older games use .tga .tiff .bmp and a few others but I have not run into any recent games that used anything other the .dds and off shoots of this format, I am expecting TESV to use .dds.
3) Gamebryo used BIPED for rigs and animations. Although we know there is a 'new' engine, is there any reason to believe animations will use something other than biped?
Most Game Dev's use either Max or Maya with MotionBuilder as their basis for Animation exports and the Biped is the default rig in all of these programs so its just easier for most Humanoid's and Humanoid Like Creatures to make use of whats available and has support for a great many animation based modifiers that can be used to alter anims on the fly without having to Hand Animate or MoCap everything -> it just save alot of time to be able to blend add gravity and layer anims with a few seconds where going the old route would take hours in the Hand Animated route or take several other people get involved in the case of MoCaped anims.
The Biped is not going away if anything its getting far more popular for the actors that can make use of it.