Skyrim, too much hype?

Post » Fri Mar 18, 2011 2:45 am

I think what you need to realise is, they had a lot less time to develop oblivion, can't remember exactly how much, whereas skyrim has, almost entirely, been hushed up and been worked on at a their own pace, and if i remember rightly Todd claimed that they were ready to show it (didn't mention it by name of course) a while ago but weren't allowed to.. they've had plenty of time to check that things work before announcing the game, and i get the idea that they weren't running on anywhere near as harsh a deadline (if at all?)

I could be wrong, but that's the idea i get.

They worked on Oblivion for four years...
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Taylor Bakos
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Post » Fri Mar 18, 2011 1:57 am

They worked on Oblivion for four years...

Oh, i could have sworn i read they had a lot smaller work deadline for oblivion, ah well i thought i had a point for once in my life, thanks for crashing my dreams!! i'm just gonna cry in a corner now and cut.
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Post » Fri Mar 18, 2011 8:41 am

If you are complaining about your previous game, then something is wrong. Either you can't do the job, or you lied on how great it was, when you bragged about it. I don't think Bethesda can't do the job, so it was they just bragged too much about Oblivion. When Oblivion came out, and after about 12 hours of playing it, I was so diapointed with it. Basically they hyped up Oblivion as Morrowind 2.0. It failed, I was pissed, and left. A month later I came back, and then loved the game. I guess this is my main reason why I am not so hyped about Skyrim.

I make 3D models. When I was finishing a let's say dress model 3 years ago I thought that I made a great job and that a week was a short time to accomplish that, and that it looks perfect. After 3 years my skills have advanced. I am capable of making the same model in under 3 hours, and not only that, but I can see a bunch of not-quite-mistakes and things that could be made better and be more effective in my 3 years old model. That means that I have progressed in my field, and my view of what is "the best" and what time is good, and what can or can not be done in general advance. I sincerely hope that in 3 more years I would think that all my models need redoing yet again :)
The same is with video games - if they are saying that what they did earlier is not up to their current standards than it means the standards got lifted, and the new plank demands better quality :)

It's another topic altogether if they will be able to make the jump, and that we will know only when the game comes out :)
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Post » Fri Mar 18, 2011 1:34 am

I am curious as to what you guys and gals think. Is Skyrim too much hype? I am sorry, I can't get too excited for it. Why, What I am reading, is EXACTLY the same thing I read for Oblivion. They claimed non static NPCs. They claimed intelligence for NPC. Now I am reading the same thing for Skyrim. While reading the Skyrim articles on the GI website, they are sort of slagging or saying how bad Oblivion was. Wait a second. 5 years ago, you say how great Oblivion was, but now 5 years later you say how limiting Oblivion is?

My thoughts exactly. I'm reading what they say about Skyrim and I'm thinking I'm having a deja vu - that's almost exactly the same things they said about Oblivion and contrasted it with Morrowind 5 years ago.
My solution - wait for the game and see how much it's actually worth.

There seems to be this new trend in video games marketing to create a huge hype long before the game is released and then gradually "heat it up" disclosing small pieces of additional details up to the launch date. I don't blame them, it's probably working great (pre-orders, etc.)

I burned myself once with that, I pre-ordered Civilization 5, something I shouldn't have done. Another huge and pretty successful pre-launch hype campaign was Dragon Age: Origins. It's just how they seem to be doing it these days (think: Dragon Age pre-launch character generator, etc. - such things really make you want to buy the game, don't they).
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Grace Francis
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Post » Fri Mar 18, 2011 5:37 pm

That is called "progress".

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Post » Fri Mar 18, 2011 2:06 am

I make 3D models. When I was finishing a let's say dress model 3 years ago I thought that I made a great job and that a week was a short time to accomplish that, and that it looks perfect. After 3 years my skills have advanced. I am capable of making the same model in under 3 hours, and not only that, but I can see a bunch of not-quite-mistakes and things that could be made better and be more effective in my 3 years old model. That means that I have progressed in my field, and my view of what is "the best" and what time is good, and what can or can not be done in general advance. I sincerely hope that in 3 more years I would think that all my models need redoing yet again :)
The same is with video games - if they are saying that what they did earlier is not up to their current standards than it means the standards got lifted, and the new plank demands better quality :)

It's another topic altogether if they will be able to make the jump, and that we will know only when the game comes out :)

I can understand, you improve with experiance and people and companies progress in time. I don't know how to say it. Bethesda should be proud on what they did with Oblivon, but from what I read, it seems Oblvion was a disapointment for Bethesda to make. It seems they were not happy with Oblivion for what they could do at the time. That would be like Bethesda saying Arean and Daggerfall is crap because they can do so much better now.

Again, when I see Todd talk, it seems inbetween the lines, he wasn't happy with Oblivion.
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Cedric Pearson
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Post » Fri Mar 18, 2011 8:42 am

Oblivion: Six months with final hardware

Skyrim: Final hardware since day one of development
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Post » Fri Mar 18, 2011 4:03 pm

During the making of Oblivion the devs talked to us about the game they were making and we learned of things that were supposed to be in the game and then later they were forced to pull back on some of those things. Then even though they told us honestly that some of those things had to be cut, there was a few people who then went on to call those things lies.

Since that time, they have changed their practice and we hear almost nothing about the game on this forum from devs despite them coming to visit and to chat with us on a more personal level and browsing the forums for member thoughts and complaints and ideas. This time around, they have awaited announcement and information on the game until less than a year prior to release. There are less than 10 months until release. I am betting they are close enough to done to ensure the information they give us is correct.

They are wiser and have learned from their mistakes methinks.
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Kirsty Wood
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Post » Fri Mar 18, 2011 11:07 am

I am curious as to what you guys and gals think. Is Skyrim too much hype? I am sorry, I can't get too excited for it. Why, What I am reading, is EXACTLY the same thing I read for Oblivion. They claimed non static NPCs. They claimed intelligence for NPC. Now I am reading the same thing for Skyrim. While reading the Skyrim articles on the GI website, they are sort of slagging or saying how bad Oblivion was. Wait a second. 5 years ago, you say how great Oblivion was, but now 5 years later you say how limiting Oblivion is?

I am just not really caring for what they are saying for Skyrim. It's like been there, done that. Todd is doing the exact same thing, Saying how this is so great and awsome while we were limited to prior games. Well I don't want to know how great or awsome Skyrim is, because all you are going to do in a few years time is saying how limited you were in making Skyrim because of what ever reason. First is, you didn't know what to do with the 360. Now it's you know what to do with it. Why do I have a feeling in 5 years time all you are going to say for TES VI is how limited you were for Skyrim.

In other words, I don't believe what Todd says. He is here to hype us up so we get the game on day one. Well I will be getting the game on Day One release. But please no more, how awsome the NPCs will be. How they have sceduels and they will not be so bland as Oblivion. You never once mentioned that NPCs in Oblivion were bland. In fact you said the opposite. Now all of a sudden Oblvion NPCs are bland?

Before I was excited for Skyrim, now reading the articels, I am not. All I see instead of how great Skyrim is, is how bad Oblivion was. So far not impressed.

There is a very good reason they are now able to say that about Oblivion. 5 years ago, Oblivion was the top in technologically advanced games. Now, looking back, we can see that the technology of 5 years ago limited it's capibilities. but take a look at fallout 3 and such games that came out after. We are now able to create better games. This will be an epic game. The other games that are coming out around the same time are a good indicator.
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Stu Clarke
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Post » Fri Mar 18, 2011 5:53 am

During the making of Oblivion the devs talked to us about the game they were making and we learned of things that were supposed to be in the game and then later they were forced to pull back on some of those things. Then even though they told us honestly that some of those things had to be cut, there was a few people who then went on to call those things lies.

Since that time, they have changed their practice and we hear almost nothing about the game on this forum from devs despite them coming to visit and to chat with us on a more personal level and browsing the forums for member thoughts and complaints and ideas. This time around, they have awaited announcement and information on the game until less than a year prior to release. There are less than 10 months until release. I am betting they are close enough to done to ensure the information they give us is correct.

They are wiser and have learned from their mistakes methinks.

This. A hundred times over, this this this.
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Greg Cavaliere
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Post » Fri Mar 18, 2011 4:03 am

Never got Fable 3. What was wrong with it? I agree I love Oblivion. For Bethesda to now say it isn't that great, just to make Skyrim seem to be more better, justs upsets me, that's all.

It was really hyped, and was horrible on release. I didn't buy it either because it got such bad reviews.
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Post » Fri Mar 18, 2011 5:33 pm

I dont find it to be very hyped, so far. They've made sure to tell us only what they have done, as opposed to what they were just working on. That way they don't promise us anything they may not put in the game.
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Post » Fri Mar 18, 2011 4:43 pm

I can understand, you improve with experiance and people and companies progress in time. I don't know how to say it. Bethesda should be proud on what they did with Oblivon, but from what I read, it seems Oblvion was a disapointment for Bethesda to make. It seems they were not happy with Oblivion for what they could do at the time. That would be like Bethesda saying Arean and Daggerfall is crap because they can do so much better now.

Again, when I see Todd talk, it seems inbetween the lines, he wasn't happy with Oblivion.

I actually can see why Oblivion was a disappointment for them from modding the game. Oblivion, while working fine and well on the surface had several engine and coding problems that drew away a lot of very talented modders. Since I'm a graphical part expert I'll list the graphic part things:
1. Skeleton - character skeleton was not even symmetrical and obviously made... strange, probably to compensate for some kind of engine problem. Which interfered with animation and to lesser degree modeling.
2. Transparency - there was no way to force layer order expect for something done in Maya that resembled Voodoo practices more than modeling, and was only partially successful on complex shapes. The other way to stop textures from flickering ended up with rough edges on textures - no matter what you did your model and textures never looked good when utilizing multi level transparency. Which is a killer for clothing and hair design.
3. There where "remnants" of animated hair found in the game files that obviously even Bethesda couldn't force to work, so they had to settle for the bulky hair.
4. Rigging on character models required some other form of Voodoo to show up in character creation screen correctly.

And that is only form the graphical point of view - no matter what you did you banged your head in to some kind of limiter that felt like a mistake in programing or engine. Could draw anyone crazy. The obviously either had no time, or no tech to correct thous things, and just avoided them the best they could - by not rigging things on character (like hair) and making models that did not require transparency on more than one layer...
As I understand it similar issues where found in other parts as well - coding, scripting and so on.
I certainly hope that Skyrim woun't have as many mistakes - they had time to re wright any part of the engine that gave them trouble before, if they did it right than Skyrim will be a whole other story. But only if they did it right.
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Post » Fri Mar 18, 2011 1:33 pm

It was really hyped, and was horrible on release. I didn't buy it either because it got such bad reviews.

I can't believe Fable was ever even compated to TES. Fable isn't a bad game in my opinion, but it doesn't hold a friggin candle to ANY Elder Scrolls game. I would much rather play Morrowind than Fable 3 any day of the week.

oops! Off topic...
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evelina c
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Post » Fri Mar 18, 2011 11:34 am

Is Skyrim being over hyped? Probably.

I think a lot of people are filling their heads with delusions that Skyrim is going to be so amazing, and that its going to be some massive technological leap over everything that came before it. What thats going to lead to is a whole lot of "Man, I'm so disappointed" threads the day Skyrim comes out. Will Skyrim be a step up from Oblivion? Sure it will, and some of the new features sound really cool. But remember... the Radiant AI for Oblivion was suppose to be far cooler then it turned out to be. Developers always make their games sound better then they end up, and fans always have far better expectations then they really should have.

For example, the Radiant Story system sounds great, and i have a feeling its going to be something that we hear about again and again. Bethesda is going to tell us its the best thing since sliced bread, and that its going to make our gaming experience amazing. Yet on your first play through, your probably not going to notice it at all. So a whole lot of fans are going to find themselves disappointed when they find out this oh so amazing system is really only amazing on the back end and has a minimal impact on the gameplay unless you play through a few times.

Remember... high expectations almost always result in disappointment. When it comes to Skyrim, expect a slightly more advanced Oblivion. If its more then that, great. If not, your still getting exactly what you expected.
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Post » Fri Mar 18, 2011 6:15 am

I make 3D models. When I was finishing a let's say dress model 3 years ago I thought that I made a great job and that a week was a short time to accomplish that, and that it looks perfect. After 3 years my skills have advanced. I am capable of making the same model in under 3 hours, and not only that, but I can see a bunch of not-quite-mistakes and things that could be made better and be more effective in my 3 years old model. That means that I have progressed in my field, and my view of what is "the best" and what time is good, and what can or can not be done in general advance. I sincerely hope that in 3 more years I would think that all my models need redoing yet again :)
The same is with video games - if they are saying that what they did earlier is not up to their current standards than it means the standards got lifted, and the new plank demands better quality :)

It's another topic altogether if they will be able to make the jump, and that we will know only when the game comes out :)

Just want to second this, rather than typing a detailed response that'd be saying exactly the same thing. If anything, Bethesda are being quite humble (by recognising faults of previous games) and coy (by releasing a steady trickle of information less than a year from release, rather than running a bunch of flashy "trailers" with no real insight or explanation).

I think this self-criticism in hindsight applies to almost any form of progression, but especially anything related to computer technology, in which a 5 year gap is practically starting from scratch in terms of what can be achieved. 2011 will give us Skyrim, but just look at what games looked like in 2006, 2001, 1996, 1991... to see how much changes.
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Alex Vincent
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Post » Fri Mar 18, 2011 5:48 pm

I guess Im old :)

I still think Morrowind graphics are amazing.
Imagine what I felt when I first came out of the sewer in oblivion.

Skyrim is gonna be a meltdown of bliss.
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Post » Fri Mar 18, 2011 8:12 am

That is called "progress".

The Radiant AI was good for its time ( though not as good as it could have been) And it seems they've improved and built on what they had. I think there will be some pretty good improvements. Overhyped? Its the next TES game. My fav genre, so no. Its impossible not to get excited about the most complex open ended game soon to be available :)

I remember being fascinated by merely whacking my sword on the wall in Oblivion in the tutorial dungeon and seeing the sparks. Then having the rats come at me. Skyrim will be great and I see it having some nice improvements and fixing some things that were broken in Oblivion.

The difference between OB and SK is is that OB was that well advertised while deep in development and most of stuff got cut out because they couldn't get implemented well. It was natural for Skyrim to be what OB was supposed to be in many aspects and since it is late in development, this info is more trustable I think.

Have to agree with that - if a game developers are not complaining about the limits that where in the past game than they did not move forward.

As for hype, I do try to limit my expectations - it's better to be surprised by what a great game it turned out to be and what awesome things and features the implemented when I did not expect them to really do it, than find out that things I was sure would be in got dropped. So I try to cut down any announcement by at last a half in my mind :)

:shrug: I loved Morrowind, and I loved Oblivion just as much as Morrowind, so there is really no reason for me to assume I will be disappointed with Skyrim at all; so I am very excited for the game.

Need to be relative.

I sometimes moan about Oblivion, because the levelling in the world was a disappointing backward step from Morrowind, but it was a step forward in other ways, particularly combat, blocking, graphics etc. Lets face it, for £40, I have had probably, at a guess, 200 hours play out of it, so when you consider a cinema ticket is nearly £10 for 2 hours, or a football match £40 for 90 minutes, then its pretty good value.

I'll buy Skyrim whatever. Just please no bandits in glass arm and levelled unique items. :-)

Oblivion was released nearly five years ago. Technological amazement is relevant to the time.

Well yeah. Oblivion IS bland, compared to what they're working on in Skyrim.

They did everything they could with Oblivion and they thought it was awesome. Then they made Fallout 3 and realized Oblivion wasn't all that great. So now they're making Skyrim the way they feel Oblivion should have been made.
Once they make their next game, they're gonna see everything they did wrong in Skyrim and say, "Now, Skyrim was bland. But TES VI, this is REALLY great!"
It's all relative.

It was still much deeper than any other game at the time. Most games still have NPCs cast as mindless drones who will spend their day walking up a street, then back down it until you riddle them with bullets. Which doesn't matter because the 8 NPCs that are look and sound the same, as well as walk the same street, will all do the same "run in fear" animation and bolt around the corner, only to immediately turn back around like it never happened.

Really these guys said it all. Technology, relativity, and progress. :grad: :user:
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Post » Fri Mar 18, 2011 2:28 pm

I am curious as to what you guys and gals think. Is Skyrim too much hype? I am sorry, I can't get too excited for it. Why, What I am reading, is EXACTLY the same thing I read for Oblivion. They claimed non static NPCs. They claimed intelligence for NPC. Now I am reading the same thing for Skyrim. While reading the Skyrim articles on the GI website, they are sort of slagging or saying how bad Oblivion was. Wait a second. 5 years ago, you say how great Oblivion was, but now 5 years later you say how limiting Oblivion is?

Meh, I think you're just unreasonably critical to be honest.

Okay, Radiant AI in Oblivion didn't live up to the expectations, but I was still impressed by what it did do when it came out.
How many RPG's have you played the last 5 years where NPC's just don't stand around at the same place all day? I bet it's pretty much none of them.

Also the stealth improved a lot, they overhauled the combat and it worked more or less and the level of detail was excellent. And off course you could still go anywhere you want and do whatever you like at any moment.
It had a lot of problems, and in many aspects (scaling, magic, dialog options, character diversity...) it was a step back from Morrowind, but I still enjoyed 200-300 hours playing it, which is at least 4 times more than anything else I've played the last couple of years.

In contrast, I was far more disappointed with Mass Effect when they claimed you could explore over a hundred planets (don't remember how much exactly) and then discover that only the handful locations you had to visit for the main quest had a reasonable amount of detail. All the rest was so uninteresting that it wasn't worth exploring at all and I finished that game in 25 hours feeling ripped off, even though I liked it for what it was.
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Big mike
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Post » Fri Mar 18, 2011 3:14 pm

That is called "progress".

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Avril Churchill
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Post » Fri Mar 18, 2011 2:04 pm

If Skyrim is being "hyped" in any sense of the word it is being done by us the fans and not Bethesda.
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KIng James
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Post » Fri Mar 18, 2011 6:22 am

It is a little bit deja vu. I guess we have to get the gimmicky stuff out of the graphics engine, snow physics, radient story, havok behavior...blah blah blah yada yada yada. Soooo next gen. Just like speed tree, radient ai, facegen, havok physics, and all that other stupid gimmicky overpriced crap in Oblivion that was overhyped and ended up being either disappointing or irrelevant.
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FirDaus LOVe farhana
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Post » Fri Mar 18, 2011 12:27 pm

That is called "progress".

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Vickey Martinez
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Post » Fri Mar 18, 2011 10:57 am

If this is hype I am a dragon!

The game has only been announced for a month. Your question will be valid in September I think.

I was a little taken aback by the design decisions of oblivion v.s. morrowind but I ended up spending just as much time in cyrodil as morrowind.
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