Hey a few mates have bought download and the server jam is making it along wait whilst downloading.
For those who have preordered can we please pre-download a week out so on release it just unlocks and we play straight away.
Even if there is a last min patch or fix it would be a smaller download then the whole game combined with network jam
i would also prefer this. but has that ever happened outside of steam published games?i have no idea personally just asking.i would like to come home to brink ready to playat approximatly 7pm the day of release. at the strike of midnight usa time. would be a good night
I agree, even though i don't play on PC. I use a Console *look down* But i just insert my D!sk and its ready for playin'
But i will get over my Hype, and try install onto hard-drive first.
If i get to play straight away, you should too. (Then again, i have to walk to my local store... :sadvaultboy: ) But Then there is the HAX .. or Hacks, is what any normal person say. So, eh.. I would just like to say....
i would also prefer this. but has that ever happened outside of steam published games?i have no idea personally just asking.i would like to come home to brink ready to playat approximatly 7pm the day of release. at the strike of midnight usa time. would be a good night
Afaik every game which is on Steam and can be pre-ordered through Steam can also be pre-loaded through Steam at least one day before release.