I need help with the mod vampire embrace cause i cant turn anyone as a vampire cause i cant force them because once they fall over when i punch them they just get up and i dont bite and i have vampire bite ON. and i cant use the topic cause every time i try to it just says conversion fails and their disposition is at 100 is their something i need a certain level etc. i read the readme also. so far the mod is good but i can only have blood donors and thralls help would be appreciated thanks in advance.
This happens to some people due to the scripting function http://sites.google.com/site/johnmoonsugar/Home/morrowind-scripting-tips#getsoundplaying.
There is no great fix, but I came up with something that seems to work for some people, you can try Vampire_Embrace-jms_combat_bite_patch-0.2.7z from my http://sites.google.com/site/johnmoonsugar/Home/morrowind-mods.
thanks alot john.moonsugar the patch worked for me and now i can get slaves and vampires by force using my evil vampire but can someone please help me with the conversion fails problem? is there like a chance of converting them does it depend on your level or their level? because it didn't say in the readme. thanks in advance ^_^ ^_^ ^_^
thanks alot john.moonsugar the patch worked for me and now i can get slaves and vampires by force using my evil vampire but can someone please help me with the conversion fails problem? is there like a chance of converting them does it depend on your level or their level? because it didn't say in the readme. thanks in advance ^_^ ^_^ ^_^
The message comes from the script emb_theembrace, but I'm not sure about how all the variables in that function interact. It looks like it might be related to trying to convert a "generic" NPC. Can you give the name of a specific NPC you get the "Conversion fails" message on?
The message comes from the script emb_theembrace, but I'm not sure about how all the variables in that function interact. It looks like it might be related to trying to convert a "generic" NPC. Can you give the name of a specific NPC you get the "Conversion fails" message on?
well most npc's in balmora and in the mages and fighters guild because that's where i started embracing but embrace did work on the orcish girl wearing orcish and glass armor in suran.