So, I'v always been interested in pianos. I love listening to almost anything on piano, and about a year ago I picked up a full-range keyboard for around $120, on sale from like $400. Unfortunately, I may quite possibly be the most tone deaf, rythymless bum on the face of the earth. (: But I still plan on learning. I am wondering how anyone whose played faired in learning, and what the hardest part was for you.
For me, I think it's going to be learning to read sheet music. I am, [censored]. Not kidding, I am absolutely [censored] when it comes to even looking at staffs. I blink and wonder "ok wtf". Fortunately, I do have the basic ability to read it (and then put underneath it in a nice, easy to read font, the letter for what note it is. (:
Also, I think learning two clefs, and being able to play them may prove difficult.
I cannot play piano. I cannot read the music for piano (I can read Trumpet music just fine though

), and am uncreative. That said I do scratch around on the piano from time to time, and over years and years have come up with some basic little tunes that sound like they might be music eventually.
One thing that I realized was that chords make everything sound better. If you want to just sit down and fiddle around, make chords by pressing three keys spaced apart with one hand and then using the other hand press some other note for the "melody". It's all very basic, but hold down the pedal that makes the keys sound all slow and echo-ey and act like you know what you're doing and it might sound good.

I just experimented to find out which three note combinations sound decent.