I may be getting a new PC to make my laptop just a traveling only computer, so I'd also be able to play Fallout 3 on the PC. I've already played through 2 characters on the PS3 so I don't need to play the vanilla game anymore. Question is, what mods would require a new game thus ending the current one? From what I'm aware of mods like FWE would require a new game if that assumption is correct? Any other mods like environment and weapon mods can be installed with no effect on my character so I can continue playing, true? I don't want to start a game and progress only to have to start all over again after installing a mod. I'd rather have everything setup from the get-go.
Note that I'm am not asking what mods to get, just what popular mods would require a new game, if any. Thanks! I'm new to PC gaming (sort of) so forgive me :wink_smile: and yes I've read the sticky up top about adding mods.