I have been playing the game using FWE, MMM, WMK, EVE, Project Beauty, Fellout, Street Lights, 20th Century Weapons, and eXcalibur munitions shop. Along with some extra weapon, armor, and housing mods. Now I have come to notice there is alot of new stuff thats in the game and because of FWE the game is more difficult, which i like. But i found myself cheating occasionally, be it for some needed stimpaks or some caps cause i seen something new that i didnt get my hands on yet. Well i dont like that, so im going to start over, well be for a i do i was wondering if i could get some pros/cons and general opinions about the overhaul mods. Only ones i know of are FWE, Fook, and Arwens. I wish i had the time to try them all out on my own, but i just cant swing the time work and family. The little bit of time i do get i want to spend it playing. It took me long enough just to get my current setup working. So let me know you guys think.
Well, if it's
just difficulty and new stuff you want, why use anything like FWE/FOOK/ART** at all? Note: I'm not familiar with FOOK, as in,
using it, so maybe that's an exception here. Anyway, point is, why not keep the rest of the mods, add "stuff" galore as you like, and turn the difficulty dial from Normal (presumably) to Hard or even Very Hard? If that's not enough, perhaps try one or more of the modular options (ESPs) from ART, rather than the whole package. Also, there are other singular ESPs out there that tweak only a few settings (if that.) *
Someone with some FOOK (*and* FWE) experience might want to clarify the relative difficulty / scarcity of items of each.
* edit: One of those that I like is Realistic Kill Reactions, but it wouldn't suit everyone, naturally.
** Arwen's Realism Tweaks, sorry.