(best done with the whole family).
First: Put away all of your DVD / VCR / Stereo remote controls, all your cellphones (be sure to turn them off first), blackberries, Ipaq, Iphones, Ipods, mp3 players, calculators, ALL remote controls for lights, music, stereo systems, air conditioners (I don't ascribe to that last one ~http://www.superstock.com/stock-photos-images/4048-907.)
Next, Disconnect all PC's, DVD players, laptops, videogames, Nintendo, Xbox, Wii, CD players, VCR's, portable boomboxes, microwave ovens, digital clocks, cassette decks, cassette players, synthesizers, and modern keyboards.
Turn your TV into black-and-white mode. This involves turning first to the Color menu, then turning the color levels to 0.
DISCONNECT YOUR CABLE. (Cable TV came into being in the 60s)
For Supper you must use only real butter, whole milk, pure sugar, actual salt, vegetable oil, and normal mayonnaise. (Optionally you can have Sweet&Low.)
Dinners should ideally be eaten together at a dinner table.
In case you thought I just made all this up... http://www.ehow.com/how_2289426_home-have-s-day-home.html :laugh: