Anyway. Today I popped open the door and took a look at things. http://tyraarane.riumplus.com/gallery/d/1278-1/compinteriorleds.jpg Only one light (bottom right) is working; the one up top is doing some feeble flickering, and the two on the bottom left are out entirely. They've all been hot glue gunned into place. They are, I'm 95% sure, 5mm LEDs of the sort the local Radioshack stocks.
My question is this--I've been googling around and found no concrete answers--is it possible to just replace the bulbs? Is it an easy swap, or is there soldering involved? (Seeing as how I've never soldered anything before, that could get interesting.) Or do I need to replace the whole shooting match, wires and all (which is more trouble than it's worth, IMHO)?
Any techies or case modders around who would care to enlighten me?