Gee, thanks. I'll take it that that means you want an update on progress.
I've been working on dialogue for the past several days, as much as I can stand to do in a single day. See, I've decided that dialogue just isn't my cup of tea; so its going slowly but surely. I've also been trying out my voice for some voice acting (geeze, I hate how my voice actually sounds
), and with perhaps editing it in Audacity/Soundbooth/Premiere to make it raspy, since I don't really like the effect I'm getting on my own. Then again, I don't really like the effect I'm getting in those programs either, so that's just swell. :rolleyes:
Oh, and I also retextured the vault security armor for Vault 109ness. Took me a while to add the rips and tears in the fabric, but it came out alright.
New pics are up, for those who are interested.