» Fri Apr 08, 2011 9:31 am
I'm saying this as gamer/layperson on the outside looking into the industry. So I may be wrong. But this is my take.
All of Todd Howard's interviews not only give me confidence that this franchise will continue well into the future, but also that the team has not even scratched the surface of their aspirations as game designers. He always honestly criticizes areas they keep running into the greatest levels of challenge in, such as creating words and people who respond organically to player actions. Each game has improved on that to some degree, and it sounds like Skyrim will again, but he comes right out and says that there is still a lot that can be done in that arena (no pun intended.) That tells me that this franchise will not end, not just because it's still so rich with lore, storytelling, and gameplay potential, but also just because it is a fertile ground for them to expand their work and try to innovate as game designers. When someone like Todd Howard talks about other games and says things like, "Damn I wish I'd done that," you know they are still passionate, imaginative, and ambitious as designers. And a universe like that of like Elder Scrolls is just too rich a playground for them to try and improve/innovate in to abandon in my opinion.
So if anything, my confidence that the franchise will continue for some time to come is higher than its ever been. However, I do think they may take a long break to come up with some really innovative and mind-blowing systems to use in the one after this. And narratively I think the next installment will feel different from I - V.