It may have been like that because of only eight humans split in half on both teams... but if there is a class limit... alot of butthurt will ensue. At first, I played a large lumbering character, armed with a railgun similar to The Heavy’s weapon in Team Fortress 2. As expected for the class, I was slow and hardy. My physical type allowed me to be one of three classes: the operative, the engineer and the soldier. Each class allowed me to have special abilities. For example, as the operative, I could take over the identity of a downed enemy, while as an engineer, I could buff my own gun damage and other players’.
Switching to a light character, I could also be a medic. Unless other medics, my character was still handy with a gun, while his special ability, aside from reviving downed mates and healing other players, allowed him to increase his max hit points.
Switching to a light character, I could also be a medic. Unless other medics, my character was still handy with a gun, while his special ability, aside from reviving downed mates and healing other players, allowed him to increase his max hit points.