All of the sudden my hud disseapered and I can't move any more in game. The only thing I can do is quit. When I create a new game, I can walk for the duration of the birth sign, race and class lists inside the cabin of the starting ship (Alternative start arrive by sip mod). After I leave the ship the game works for a about 10 seconds before the hud disappears and I can't do anything any more. This happens right after every quest and plug-in has loaded. To my knowledge there isn't anything else loading after that (I can use the TDT command so I can see what happens in the console). I've tried this with and without mods. That also includes OBSE and any mod that requires it. I've deleted the INI but that also didn't work.
The last mod that I installed was OOO_134_Beta_5_Patch and Oblivion_XP_v415_for_OBSE_v18_BETA-15619. OBSE has been updated to the latest version.
Anyone knows how to fix this?
Kind regards, Quintus Sertorius