Now, I'm a complete newbie at animations... Sort-of. I used to be able to make character animations in Blender, but I never figured out how to make them work in Oblivion. Something must have distracted me. ^_^
Anyway, I've been working on a mod that adds carriages, I know it's already been done before but I'd like to add my personal touch to it. Including custom meshes, textures, etc. However, I don't like having people do the work for me 'cause you learn very little if somebody does it for you, and you learn more from failures than successes.
So, I'm trying to accomplish making a carriage that has wheels that spin when it moves forward, and stop when it's stopped. I know that that requires some scripting, but basically I'm wondering if it's possible to do something like that, and if it is if anybody has a tutorial or an outline that they can point me to or.... if they're feeling nice explain.

And... can you add a skeleton to an object and have it use different animations based on the current conditions, or would that require it being a creature with forward/backward/standing animations?
Activators can be comprized of pretty much anything including multiple complete skeletons and creatures (Take a look at the End Game activators) -> although for a wagon the required skeletal structure would be very basic, 4 wheels, a hitch maybe some reins -> A driver if you have the skills required to animate a complex activator.
And as Da Mage already pointed you to the Active Sequence Name index available for all animatable objects in Oblivion there are more then enough available sequences to do a Idle, Forward, Backward, Turn Left, Turn Right
set of anims.
But he did not properly explain the Special Anim Sequences and what they do especially when used in the same.nif
Idle -> will run once when the objects 3D is loaded and a SpecialIdle sequence is not present-> if the anim is set to loop it will run forever even if a SpecialIdle is present -> will cease to play if any other animation is called by script to play.
SpecialIdle -> will run once when the objects 3D is loaded no matter what other sequences are present -> will run forever if its set to loop -> will cease to play if any other animation is called by script to play.
Note: yes this means you can have both a looping Idle and looping SpecialIdle playing at the same time
Unequip -> causes all objects that are set up properly to fall into a Havoked State.