On a more serious note, this is way too good of a fan-fic to get ignored by the communtiy. Why is it it seems I'm the only one commenting on this? Because I know it still keeps me entertained, at least.
On a more serious note, this is way too good of a fan-fic to get ignored by the communtiy. Why is it it seems I'm the only one commenting on this? Because I know it still keeps me entertained, at least.
Heh Heh, thank you Stone for wanting more of my story, but it's going to be a while before a new update. Just wanted to give you fair warning. If you're interested enough though, I already started my new fanfic "Getting The Bear's Attention". I haven't gotten around to setting up a link for it under my signature yet, but it shouldn't be too hard to find.
I would also appreciate it if not too many people start making these posts with only one or two lines from here on out. It's not that I don't appreciate them. I REALLY DO!!! But this thread is starting to run out of space and there are still quite a few chapters to go. I really want to try to cram in the whole story into this one thread and every available space counts. Constructive criticism is always welcome of course.
Thank you!