scn PGMQ2SCRIPT*****************short GroupIsArmedshort GhoulDefeatedshort DoOnceBegin GameMode******************* If GetStage PGMQ2 == 61 If GhoulDefeated == 6 Setstage PGMQ2 62 PGMQPalmerRef.Say PGMQ2PalmerGhoulAmbush2 EndIf EndIf If GetStage PGMQ2 == 72 ******************* If GhoulDefeated == 12 SetStage PGMQ2 73 EndIf EndIfEnd
Now the idea here, is that once you kill 6 of them, it advances the stage. Then later on, you are attacked by 6 more ghouls, so when they die it should advance the stage again... However, it does not. All 6 ghouls die, but no queststage advance occurs. The first time, where its moving it from 61 to 62 works just fine, but the stage never moves from 72 to 73. Am I missing something crucial here? I have made sure I made the quest stages and the quest is on stage 72 when the ghoul killing occurs. I hope I have just looked over something that is stopping this from occuring, as I do not know why it as at all. D: I have been scripting alot of the day, so my brain is a little fried. Any help is greatly appreciated!