So I wanted to make starting off as a new character easier by adding a nifty custom blade and a nice robe for the character in the tutorial, and it's there in the CS, and I remembered to check the specific plugin box for my little creation. I open it up, start a new game, and.. Well.. It's just gone! I saved the game (Tried both Auto Save as well as making a hard save, what I call actually pressing the save button), and still no nice presents for my player. Anybody know what it is I'm to slow to see?
Much appreciated,
1. Are you using tesmodmanager? If not download and use that.
2. Did you place them in a container? Don't know how this would work but if you put them in a default game container that may have had an effect (although it should have put it in every instance of that container in the game rather than removing it).
3. May seem like a stupid question but are you SURE you A: Placed the items. B: Saved the mod after placing the items C: Checked the box.
If it's none of the above I can't help you sorry =[ But it probably is cus I make mistakes like that all the time. Good luck with getting it to work =]