@ Fable2 .
20 years. wow....that's some courage there.
never been able to understand that...marriage and being with 1 person for SOOO long...but i guess i'm the one missing something

congratz....especially in these days when divorce seems to be fashionable

regarding MW
I will reinstall everything..first delete ..game and registry and any trace of MW or gamesas on my PC then reinstall everything starting with:
Morrowind Code Patch
MGE sorted for my PC "powers"
FPS Optimizer
Wrye Mash
After this what do you think i should install in terms of bug fixes and stuff like that..optimizers and 3rd party programs.?
And after all those...what BIG re-texturizing mods...
Should i go with LAND ADDERS or with NPC adders...or with for example clothes changers...
One more thing...if i use darknut(name?) retexture of the clothes...then use a mod that adds clothes...would those have any problems getting along?
what about a mod that adds NPCs?
because....as you can see...i want quite a lot of mods...and i want to know if there is any order that i should instal them in?
as a habbit..after installing a mod...i tend to go in the game and see the changes...and also make a save somewhere in the game...then instal another mod and test again.
Loading a save which had -1 mod before creates problems?...should i start all over again after each mod?
Give me your experience in installing mods after mod after mod.
Also...wrye mash...when i start it,...it gives me 5 tabs top side...and on the first one...everything is blank...when i move to the second one...it does http://www.mypicx.com/12122010/wrye/
I don't know how to use wrye..and the readme uses alot of terms i am not familiar with.
PS: I know there are alot of things i want ,....and ask for....i guess i got greedy in asking questions since when i started playing MW i've met the most supporting community in any game i've ever played.
Sorry for that